
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:


Green asparagus with hollandaise sauce
Vegan hol­lan­dai­se sauce 

This vegan hol­lan­dai­se sau­ce is won­derful­ly cre­a­my and goes excel­lent­ly with aspa­ra­gus and pota­toes. The typi­cal egg fla­vor is achie­ved by adding Kala Namak (black salt). 

vegan egg-free mayonnaise in glass bowl
Muneeza’s egg-free mayonnaise 

This quick-to-prepa­re, egg-free mayon­nai­se is very fla­vorful and a gre­at alter­na­ti­ve for making deli­cious pota­to salads. It also tas­tes very tasty as a dip, for exam­p­le. B. with raw vege­ta­bles or baked potatoes. 

Glass bowl with tzatziki
Tzat­zi­ki & Dips 

With the­se three dif­fe­rent dips the­re should be some­thing for ever­yo­ne. Vegan tzat­zi­ki made from cau­li­flower, cre­a­my cas­hew sau­ce and aro­ma­tic tahi­ni dip go per­fect­ly with pota­toes with vege­ta­bles, in pota­to wraps or a con­for­mal pota­to kebab.

Two dif­fe­rent dres­sings for salad 

The­se two fat-free salad dres­sings pam­per the pala­te and are very easy to prepa­re. They go per­fect­ly with almost all salads and are also very tasty for children. 
