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Chickpea quiche

A deli­cious quiche that is based on chick­pea flour and does not con­tain any fat. Very fil­ling and ver­sa­ti­le. A plea­su­re cold and warm! 

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The varie­ty of colorful vege­ta­bles makes this chick­pea quiche a deli­cious dish. The com­bi­na­ti­on of dif­fe­rent vege­ta­bles in this deli­cious quiche is a real powerhouse.

Broc­co­li e.g. B. is not only a power­house in terms of its flo­rets, but also has as yet undis­co­ver­ed sul­fur com­pounds in its stems that bene­fit the body in two ways. First of all, they act like an inhi­bi­ting gas in the intesti­ne and vigo­rous­ly attack unde­si­ra­ble bac­te­ria and micro­or­ga­nisms. They also reach the liver and help the immu­ne sys­tem keep patho­gens at bay.

Green aspa­ra­gus is ano­ther tre­asu­re from nature’s cor­nu­co­pia. It is a true foun­tain of youth for the liver and thus beco­mes an inva­luable aid in the heal­ing of neu­ro­lo­gi­cal dis­or­ders.
Green aspa­ra­gus also con­ta­ins easi­ly absor­bed B vit­amins, which quick­ly rep­le­nish vit­amin B reser­ves, espe­ci­al­ly in times of stress. But its bene­fits go much fur­ther: the adre­nal glands bene­fit from the abun­dance of mine­rals and trace ele­ments such as phos­pho­rus, iron, magne­si­um, Zinc, chro­mi­um, sele­ni­um and molybdenum.



Wash the broc­co­li and cut it into flo­rets, inclu­ding the small stems. Hal­ve the washed toma­toes. Peel the aspa­ra­gus as nee­ded and cut into approx. 2 cm long pie­ces. Dice the pee­led oni­ons. Do not peel the gar­lic; it is initi­al­ly used unpeeled.

Now place the pre­pared vege­ta­bles (inclu­ding the unpee­led gar­lic cloves) on a bak­ing tray lined with bak­ing paper and bake in the oven at 200° C for approx. 15–20 minu­tes.
Mean­while, mix the chick­pea flour with the salt and spi­ces. Then mix with the water and lemon juice in a lar­ge bowl to form a dough.
Now first peel the gar­lic and cut it into small pie­ces and add it to the dough.

After bak­ing, fold the vege­ta­bles into the pre­pared dough and mix well. Pour the mix­tu­re into a spring­form pan or quiche pan lined with bak­ing paper.

Bake the chick­pea quiche in the oven at 200°C for 30 minu­tes.
It tas­tes very good both warm and cold and can also be fro­zen easi­ly. When put­ting tog­e­ther the vege­ta­bles, varia­ti­ons with pep­pers, mush­rooms and zuc­chi­ni are also wonderful.

Bon appe­tit!


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