

This list is for mem­bers of the Face­book group as a gui­de when loo­king for a sui­ta­ble con­sul­tant. We recom­mend to the best of our know­ledge and belief and do not recei­ve a com­mis­si­on for referrals. 

Astrid Späth

Astrid Späth

Astrid has been in Munee­za Ahmed’s annu­al pro­gram for 4 years and is hap­py to advi­se beg­in­ners. As a mother, she has gai­ned a lot of expe­ri­ence in har­mo­nious­ly com­bi­ning the dif­fe­rent eating habits of all fami­ly mem­bers through her cooking. 

Juliana Retuga

Juliana Retuga

Julia­na Retu­ga has been a holi­stic the­ra­pist for seve­ral years. The com­bi­na­ti­on of dif­fe­rent working tech­ni­ques and years of expe­ri­ence makes a con­sul­ta­ti­on even more exci­ting. Effi­ci­ent and tar­ge­ted work on body, mind and soul is her calling.

Meltem Evmez

Meltem Evmez

Mel­tem is a cer­ti­fied health coach with in-depth know­ledge. She also works as a sup­port coach in Munee­za Ahmed’s Ame­ri­can Intui­ti­ve Heal­ing Com­mu­ni­ty (IHC). Her area of exper­ti­se includes gut health, neu­ro­lo­gi­cal sym­ptoms, eating dis­or­ders, and gene­ral health concerns.

Sabine Menzel

Sabine Menzel

Sabi­ne has been on the MM path for almost 5 years and tog­e­ther with Munee­za Ahmed’s pro­grams, this know­ledge has beco­me the cen­tral focus of her life, with which she has been able to achie­ve many heal­ing suc­ces­ses. Recon­nec­ting with yours­elf, your intui­ti­on, wis­dom and free­dom play a key role for you.
