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Christmas & Advent

Antho­ny Wil­liam com­pli­ant recipes for the quiet Advent and Christ­mas sea­sons. San­ta Claus & Co also like this – the Christ child or San­ta Claus can come!

Glass bowl with fig cookies
Fig cookies 

The­se fig coo­kies tas­te ama­zing and pro­vi­de gre­at sup­port for a healt­hy body. The pot­as­si­um and sodium con­tai­ned in figs sup­port neu­ro­trans­mit­ters, syn­ap­ses and neu­rons in the brain. In addi­ti­on, the phy­to­che­mi­cals con­tai­ned in figs help the immu­ne sys­tem in the intesti­nes to func­tion well.

Bowl with vanilla croissants
Vanil­la crescents 

Vanil­la cre­s­cents go won­derful­ly with the Christ­mas sea­son. This com­pli­ant ver­si­on does not requi­re but­ter and the cre­s­cents still turn out won­derful­ly crum­bly and fluffy. Natu­ral­ly com­pli­ant with glu­ten-free flour and real vanilla.

Bowl of apricot balls
Apri­cot balls 

A sweet tempt­a­ti­on that is rich in vit­amin C thanks to the apri­cots and oran­ges used. The warm­ing effects of cin­na­mon and gin­ger and the exo­tic tas­te of coco­nut flakes make them a popu­lar tre­at that can be eaten in no time. 

Gin­ger­b­read cookies 

Gin­ger­b­read coo­kies are the per­fect tre­at for the holi­day sea­son! With warm­ing spi­ces such as gin­ger, cin­na­mon, nut­meg and cloves, the­se coo­kies bring a lot of com­fort, warmth and cozi­ness to the Christ­mas season.

bana­na wal­nut muffins 

The­se are temp­ting muf­fins with the sweet­ness of bana­na and the nut­ty fla­vor of wal­nuts. Bana­nas are rich in ami­no acids, which, tog­e­ther with high­ly bio­available pot­as­si­um, act as a cata­lyst for rich elec­tro­ly­te production.

Rugelach cookies
Ruge­lach cookies 

The nut­ty, sweet wal­nut fil­ling makes the­se coo­kies a temp­ting tre­at for spe­cial occa­si­ons. They are also ide­al as a break-time snack for the children’s school cans. 

Heal­ing food cream 

A win­ter des­sert that not only tas­tes deli­cious, but is also a true heal­ing food. This des­sert is easy to prepa­re and tas­tes par­ti­cu­lar­ly deli­cious when chilled. 

Cin­na­mon App­le­sauce Cookies 

The­se deli­cious coo­kies score with the clas­sic com­bi­na­ti­on of cin­na­mon and app­les. Enjoy the temp­ting smell when bak­ing and the won­derful tas­te when eating. 

Thumb bis­cuits with raspber­ry filling 

If you want to heal, you don’t have to fore­go enjoy­ment. The­se frui­ty, nut­ty coo­kies tas­te deli­cious but do not con­tain any harmful ingre­di­ents. A per­fect tre­at for many occasions. 

Spice cake
Spi­ce cake 

This cake is always per­fect. It’s per­fect for a bir­th­day cake, a Christ­mas par­ty or just a weekend with fami­ly or friends. 

oat­me­al cookies 

Cris­py oat­me­al coo­kies wit­hout glu­ten, refi­ned sugar and unhe­alt­hy fats. This deli­ca­cy is a feast for every pam­pe­red palate.

Anja’s gin­ger­b­read cookies 

The­se deli­cious coo­kies are easy to make and can be gla­zed and deco­ra­ted to your heart’s con­tent. Enjoy­ment wit­hout reg­ret, not just during Advent.

Lemon coco­nut macarons 

For fans of coco­nut mac­a­roons, the­se won­derful­ly lem­o­ny mac­a­rons are a must. The refres­hing aci­di­ty of the lemons har­mo­ni­zes per­fect­ly with the tas­te of coco­nut. A dream wit­hout eggs and sugar! 
