
All Vimer­gy sup­ple­ments at a glance:

All Vimer­gy sup­ple­ments at a glance:


Cha­na Masala 

Immer­se yours­elf in the world of Indi­an cui­sine and be sure to try this deli­cious Cha­na Masa­la! The mix­tu­re of exo­tic spi­ces and ten­der chick­peas is sim­ply irre­sis­ti­ble – the per­fect com­fort food – and quick to make!

Chick­pea dum­pling soup 

Atten­ti­on soup and dum­pling lovers! The tasty chick­pea dum­pling soup is a healt­hy alter­na­ti­ve to the clas­sic dum­pling soup, deli­cious and packed with vita­li­zing nutrients.

Chick­pea broc­co­li nuggets 

Cris­py on the out­side and soft on the insi­de, the­se deli­cious nug­gets are pre­pared eit­her in the oven or in the hot air fry­er. This fin­ger food is also very popu­lar with many child­ren and tas­tes just as good with cauliflower. 

Plate of falafel waffles
Fal­a­fel waffles 

For fans of ori­en­tal fal­a­fel, the­se waf­f­les are a real tre­at. The­re is no deep-fry­ing in oil; ins­tead, the dough is fried fat-free in a non-stick cera­mic waff­le iron, ser­ved with a deli­cious cau­li­flower sauce. 

Piz­za hummus 

A spi­cy, piz­za-style twist on the clas­sic hum­mus with Ita­li­an spi­ces brings varie­ty to this popu­lar pas­te. This reci­pe is simp­le and quick to prepare. 

Fal­a­fel salad with mint tahi­ni sauce 

Chick­pea fal­a­fel with a deli­cious­ly refres­hing mint tahi­ni sau­ce make this mixed salad some­thing very spe­cial. A plea­su­re, espe­ci­al­ly in warm wea­ther, that is refres­hing and fil­ling at the same time. 

Chickpeas in tomato sauce
Chick­peas with fiery spiciness 

This dish is a deli­cious stew that will defi­ni­te­ly find many fans thanks to its simp­le, quick pre­pa­ra­ti­on and the ingre­di­ents that store well. 

Chick­pea “Tuna” Salad 

This salad is a healt­hy alter­na­ti­ve to the clas­sic tuna salad. It is quick to prepa­re and very fil­ling and also goes well as a fil­ling for let­tuce lea­ves or rol­led in nori leaves. 

Chick­pea omelet 

This egg-free ome­let is made with chick­pea flour. With jui­cy vege­ta­bles such as mush­rooms and spring oni­ons. It is a deli­cious tre­at with pep­pers or wild herbs such as nettles.

Plate of broccoli patties
Broc­co­li patties 

Pat­ties don’t have to be bound with egg; the­re is ano­ther way. Chick­peas and broc­co­li are the basis of the­se deli­cious pat­ties, which tas­te best with a refres­hing toma­to dip.

Chickpea quiche on green cover
Chick­pea Quiche 

A deli­cious quiche that is based on chick­pea flour and does not con­tain any fat. Very fil­ling and ver­sa­ti­le. A plea­su­re cold and warm!
