
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:


Bowl of apricot balls
Apri­cot balls 

A sweet tempt­a­ti­on that is rich in vit­amin C thanks to the apri­cots and oran­ges used. The warm­ing effects of cin­na­mon and gin­ger and the exo­tic tas­te of coco­nut flakes make them a popu­lar tre­at that can be eaten in no time. 

Plate of garam masala potatoes
Garam masa­la potatoes 

The Indi­an spi­ce mix­tu­re garam masa­la gives this pota­to pan its spi­cy-sweet tas­te. The dish is easy to cook, inex­pen­si­ve and can easi­ly be sup­ple­men­ted with other vege­ta­bles, such as: E.g. leek and broccoli.

Plate of sweet and spicy broccoli on table
Sweet and spi­cy broccoli 

Broc­co­li is won­derful as a side dish with pota­toes. Tog­e­ther with the sweet and spi­cy sau­ce, this dish con­ta­ins a rich source of valuable vege­ta­bles. As an alter­na­ti­ve to broc­co­li, you can also use cau­li­flower, aspa­ra­gus or Brussels sprouts as vegetables. 

Glass of migraine buster juice
Migrai­ne bus­ter juice 

This juice can pro­vi­de reli­ef from migrai­nes. It con­sists of cele­ry, pear, gin­ger and rocket and can be drunk regu­lar­ly as a pre­ven­ti­ve mea­su­re or when a migrai­ne attack is about to occur. 

2 glasses of thyroid healing smoothie
Thy­ro­id smoothie 

This smoothie is used to revi­ta­li­ze and cle­an­se the thy­ro­id. The thy­ro­id smoothie is an important part of Plan C of the 90-day thy­ro­id treatment. 

Glass with turmeric-ginger shots
Turm­e­ric-gin­ger shot 

At the first sign of a cold, this turm­e­ric gin­ger shot is a good choice becau­se it helps your body defend its­elf against any­thing that comes its way. It has an anti­bio­tic and anti-inflamm­a­to­ry effect. 

Portion of Sticky Sesame Cauliflower
Sti­cky Sesa­me Cauliflower 

This dish thri­ves on the attrac­ti­ve con­trast of the cau­li­flower baked in bat­ter with the sweet-sour-spi­cy sau­ce. We were ama­zed at how tasty the­se deli­cious bites were, so we defi­ni­te­ly recom­mend them. 

Coco­nut curry 

Coco­nut has an anti­pa­tho­ge­nic effect due to its lau­ric acid con­tent in con­junc­tion with other anti­oxi­dants it con­ta­ins. In addi­ti­on, the medi­um-chain fat­ty acids in coco­nut dis­sol­ve other fats and help remo­ve them from the body. 

Cra­vings Shifter 

Do you suf­fer from food cra­vings that just won’t satia­te? Do you need help redu­cing your fat inta­ke? Would you like to kick your caf­feine or salt addic­tion? Then try this Cra­vings Shif­ter Brain Shot. 

Medical Medium® Brain Shot Speaking Your Truth
Spea­king Your Truth 

Do you want to get in bet­ter touch with your own truth? Or are you afraid to know the truth about some­thing? Even if you feel sup­pres­sed and not heard, this Spea­king Your Truth Brain Shot is a good choice. 

Guilt and Shame Shifter Medical Medium® Brain Shot
Guilt and Shame Shifter 

Have you lost con­fi­dence in yours­elf? Do you feel infe­ri­or or like you’­re not good enough? If you’­re fee­ling asha­med or guil­ty in any way, try this Guilt and Shame Shif­ter Brain Shot. 

Glass with burnout stabilizer
Burn­out Stabilizer 

Do you need caf­feine to con­cen­tra­te and gain ener­gy? Are you com­ple­te­ly over­whel­med? Do you feel exhaus­ted on all levels? Then use this Burn­out Sta­bi­li­zer Brain Shot for quick help. 

Glass with Dreams Shifter
Dreams Shifter 

Do you have dis­tur­bing dreams that are very stressful and even frigh­tening? Or do you want to use your dreams to under­stand your soul and its past? The Dreams Shif­ter Brain Shot will help you move for­ward in this area. 

Glass with Adrenal fight or flight stabilizer
Adre­nal Fight or Flight Stabilizer 

Is stress domi­na­ting your life? Are you having trou­ble rela­xing? Are you suf­fe­ring from some kind of PTSD or are you addic­ted to caf­feine? Then try this Adre­nal Fight or Flight Sta­bi­li­zer Brain Shot. 

Glass with Mold Exposure Brain Shot
Mold Exposure 

This Mold Expo­sure Brain Shot is very hel­pful if you have come into cont­act with mold. Be it through living in a mol­dy home, inha­ling mold from clot­hing, or eating mol­dy food. 

Spring rolls on plate with 2 sauces
Cris­py spring rolls 

Fried wit­hout fat in a hot air fry­er, the­se cris­py spring rolls are cris­py on the out­side and jui­cy and spi­cy on the insi­de. Pre­pared this way, they are a way to enjoy wit­hout having to accept the usu­al dis­ad­van­ta­ges of fried foods. 

Pumpkin soup with ginger
Pump­kin soup with ginger 

The color alo­ne is warm­ing in this pump­kin soup. It is available in a fat-free ver­si­on, but also in a vari­ant with coco­nut milk for even cre­a­mier enjoyment. 

Cup of medicinal broth
Heal­ing broth 

Medi­cinal broth is a powerful, mine­ral-rich liquid that is easy for the body to digest and uti­li­ze. The ingre­di­ents give the body and soul enorm­ous heal­ing properties. 

Glasses with mango-pineapple-ginger smoothie
Man­go-pineapp­le-gin­ger smoothie 

This smoothie is a vit­amin bomb, deli­cious refresh­ment and gives you vita­li­ty! Man­goes are bene­fi­ci­al for the liver and opti­mi­ze the pro­duc­tion of bile.
