
Neu: Ulti-Ashwa­gan­dha™ von Vimergy®:

Neu: Ulti-Ashwa­gan­dha™ von Vimergy®:


Bowl of green salad with French dressing
Green salad with French dressing 

The sophisti­ca­ted and deli­cious dres­sing turns this other­wi­se simp­le salad into a com­ple­te­ly new and salt-free tas­te expe­ri­ence. The dres­sing also goes well with stea­m­ed potatoes. 

Glass Sleep and Recharging Stabilizer
Sleep and Rech­ar­ging Stabilizer 

Do you wake up easi­ly during your night’s sleep? Do you not feel refres­hed when you wake up? Do you feel like your bat­tery is con­stant­ly emp­ty? Then drink the Sleep and Rech­ar­ging Sta­bi­li­zer Brain Shot. 

Anger Shifter 

Do you suf­fer from fits of anger that seem to come on for no appa­rent reason? Are you angry about strugg­ling with chro­nic ill­ness? Are you angry at yours­elf or at world events? Then try the Anger Shif­ter Brain Shot. 

Food Fear Shifter 

Do you find it dif­fi­cult to give up a luxu­ry item that is bad for you? Or do you have an inex­pli­ca­ble aver­si­on or fear of cer­tain foods that are healt­hy? Then you should try the Food Fear Brain Shot. 

Extractor smoothie according to Medical Medium®
Extra­c­tor smoothie 

The Extra­c­tor Smoothie helps eli­mi­na­te various types of che­mi­cal toxi­ci­ty and also cle­ars the way for toxic hea­vy metals to lea­ve the body faster.

Liver Rescue Smoothie
Liver Res­cue Smoothie 

The Liver Res­cue Smoothie or Liver Heal­ing Smoothie is an indis­pensable part of liver cle­an­sing and is also a gre­at smoothie to sup­port the liver at any time with any illness. 

Glass with Betrayal and Broken Trust Stabilizer
Betra­y­al and Bro­ken Trust Stabilizer 

Are you strugg­ling with betra­y­al and bro­ken trust? Are you going through a tough time becau­se you feel like your body or a per­son has let you down? Are you stres­sed out by not being taken serious­ly? Then this Betra­y­al and Bro­ken Trust Sta­bi­li­zer Brain Shot can pro­vi­de you with quick relief. 

Man­go ice cream with mint 

This fat-free man­go ice cream is refres­hing and frui­ty. The unfa­vorable com­bi­na­ti­on of fruit and fat is deli­bera­te­ly avo­ided, so this deli­cious deli­ca­cy is a healt­hy tre­at that streng­thens the body and does not put strain on it. 

The fat-free morning 

The “fat-free mor­ning” allows your liver and the rest of your body to con­ti­nue deto­xi­fy­ing mid-mor­ning. Today we are expo­sed to count­less toxins and the­r­e­fo­re it is impe­ra­ti­ve to sup­port our bodies with appro­pria­te measures.

Two dif­fe­rent dres­sings for salad 

The­se two fat-free salad dres­sings pam­per the pala­te and are very easy to prepa­re. They go per­fect­ly with almost all salads and are also very tasty for children. 

Glass bowl with salad with mango and tomato
Refres­hing salad with man­go and tomato 

This frui­ty salad with toma­toes and man­go is a refres­hing deli­ca­cy to take with you. The dres­sing is a sophisti­ca­ted sau­ce made from cas­hews and Bra­zil nuts. Ide­al as a sou­ve­nir to fri­ends’ parties.

Glasses with mango-pineapple-ginger smoothie
Man­go-pineapp­le-gin­ger smoothie 

This smoothie is a vit­amin bomb, deli­cious refresh­ment and gives you vita­li­ty! Man­goes are bene­fi­ci­al for the liver and opti­mi­ze the pro­duc­tion of bile.
