
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:


Cha­na Masala 

Immer­se yours­elf in the world of Indi­an cui­sine and be sure to try this deli­cious Cha­na Masa­la! The mix­tu­re of exo­tic spi­ces and ten­der chick­peas is sim­ply irre­sis­ti­ble – the per­fect com­fort food – and quick to make!

Chick­pea dum­pling soup 

Atten­ti­on soup and dum­pling lovers! The tasty chick­pea dum­pling soup is a healt­hy alter­na­ti­ve to the clas­sic dum­pling soup, deli­cious and packed with vita­li­zing nutrients.

Chick­pea broc­co­li nuggets 

Cris­py on the out­side and soft on the insi­de, the­se deli­cious nug­gets are pre­pared eit­her in the oven or in the hot air fry­er. This fin­ger food is also very popu­lar with many child­ren and tas­tes just as good with cauliflower. 

Cannelloni on white plate

The Ita­li­an clas­sic can­nel­lo­ni in a fat, grain and dairy-free ver­si­on is a tasty alter­na­ti­ve to the ori­gi­nal. Zuc­chi­ni replaces the nood­les, they are fil­led with ‘pota­to cheese’ and ser­ved in a spi­cy toma­to sau­ce. Delicate! 

Bowl of butternut potato hash
But­ter­nut pota­to hash 

This dish offers a dou­ble pack of glu­co­se through the use of pota­toes and pump­kin, sea­so­ned with thy­me, rose­ma­ry, gar­lic and papri­ka pow­der. An uncom­pli­ca­ted ever­y­day dish that can be pre­pared quickly. 

Stirred chickpea puree on a plate
Stir-fried chick­pea puree 

Chick­pea flour is the basis for the­se vegan scram­bled eggs. The reci­pe is quick to make and is sur­pri­sin­gly jui­cy thanks to the addi­ti­on of toma­toes, pep­pers and oni­ons. Varia­ti­ons on the basic reci­pe with, for exam­p­le, mush­rooms or broc­co­li bring addi­tio­nal variety. 

Bowl of baked tomato soup
Baked toma­to soup with pota­to croutons 

This easy to prepa­re baked toma­to soup is a tru­ly deli­cious tre­at thanks to the heat of the chi­li, the sweet­ness of the honey and the spi­ce of the gar­lic. The cris­py pota­to crou­tons trans­form the soup into a full-fled­ged main course.

Bowl of strawberry salsa
Straw­ber­ry salsa 

This sal­sa is a very refres­hing deli­ca­cy that is a suc­cessful com­bi­na­ti­on of sweet and savo­ry fla­vors. It tas­tes deli­cious on its own as a snack, with a green salad, as a fil­ling for pep­per hal­ves or on cucum­ber slices. 

Plate with onion pakora and cashew dip
Oni­on pako­ra with cas­hew dip 

This small snack made from baked oni­ons with a vegan dip made from cas­hews is spi­cy and piquant and is sui­ta­ble eit­her as a deli­cious snack or as an appe­ti­zer to a meal. 

Dutch pea soup 

This inex­pen­si­ve, fil­ling and deli­cious stew is just right for cold days. It’s best to prepa­re a dou­ble batch, as lef­to­vers from the day befo­re tas­te even bet­ter becau­se the aro­ma of the peas and vege­ta­bles still lingers. 

Empanadas snack

This deli­cious pota­to-based snack is a tasty snack for in bet­ween, to take with you or ser­ved with a mixed salad – it also makes a fil­ling main meal. 

Fil­led pota­to dum­plings with mush­room sauce 

In this dish, pota­to dum­plings fil­led with chest­nuts are com­bi­ned with the spi­cy mush­room sau­ce. This makes a temp­ting deli­ca­cy for the cold sea­son that is both very fil­ling and plea­sant­ly warming. 

Coco­nut curry 

Coco­nut has an anti­pa­tho­ge­nic effect due to its lau­ric acid con­tent in con­junc­tion with other anti­oxi­dants it con­ta­ins. In addi­ti­on, the medi­um-chain fat­ty acids in coco­nut dis­sol­ve other fats and help remo­ve them from the body. 

Brussels sprout goulash 

This fat-free, vegan goulash is packed with nut­ri­ents. Brussels sprouts are a high­ly nut­ri­tious vege­ta­ble rich in anti­oxi­dants, phy­to­nu­tri­ents, vit­amins C, A and E, and alka­li­zing mine­rals such as cal­ci­um, iron and manganese.

Potato and cauliflower soup according to Anthony William
Pota­to and cau­li­flower soup 

This cre­a­my pota­to and cau­li­flower soup gets its rich fla­vor from roas­ting the ingre­di­ents befo­re pure­e­ing them. The soup can be made with almond milk or fat-free with broth.

Sweet potato tortilla soup in a bowl
Sweet pota­to tor­til­la soup 

This twist on Mexi­can tor­til­la soup is rich in deli­cious fla­vors while still being a fil­ling meal. The addi­ti­on of sweet pota­toes gives it even more heal­ing nut­ri­ents and an extra dose of flavor. 

Len­til and vege­ta­ble bread 

Hear­ty and jui­cy in tas­te, this dish is sui­ta­ble as a fil­ling lunch or evening meal. A very good addi­ti­on is a fresh, colorful salad or any kind of vege­ta­ble side dish. 

Bean balls on rice spaghetti 

Hear­ty balls of black beans in a spi­cy toma­to sau­ce on rice spa­ghet­ti are also enjoy­ed by guests and fami­ly mem­bers. The balls are also very tasty with mil­let or rice and can also be eaten cold at a picnic. 

Nacho fries with salsa 

A varie­ty of fla­vors from cris­py fries, fat-free “nacho cheese” sau­ce, cara­me­li­zed oni­ons, sau­té­ed pep­pers, aro­ma­tic sal­sa and hot sau­ce make this dish a deli­cious meal. 

Piz­za spaghetti 

For fans of Ita­li­an cui­sine, this reci­pe is a deli­cious tre­at. The aro­ma­tic, spi­cy sau­ce with its clas­sic Ita­li­an herbs is low in fat and is popu­lar with young and old.

Spa­ghet­ti squash “Bolo­gne­se”

This reci­pe is vegan, glu­ten-free and at the same time a won­derful dish for all fans of Bolo­gne­se sau­ce. The sau­ce is par­ti­cu­lar­ly spi­cy and is crow­ned with a ‘Par­me­san’ made from Bra­zil nuts. 
