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Doner kebab made from potato dough

This vegan kebab is glu­ten-free and made from pota­to dough. A very tasty meal that can always be modi­fied with dif­fe­rent fil­lings and sauces. 

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Ingre­di­ents for 3 com­pli­ant kebabs:

For the kebab fil­ling:

  • 6 lar­ge mushrooms
  • 1 egg­plant
  • 1 small onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 pinch sea-salt
  • 1 pinch pep­per
  • 1 tbsp map­le syrup
  • 1 lar­ge carrot
  • 1/2 small red cab­ba­ge or white cabbage
  • 150g toma­toes
  • 1/2 cucum­ber
  • 150g let­tuce
  • fresh pars­ley and/or coriander

Tahi­ni dressing: 

  • 7 flat tbsp raw tahi­ni (sesa­me butter) 
  • 1 tbsp oli­ve oil 
  • 2 cloves of garlic 
  • 1–2 Dates, gut­ted 
  • 125 ml water (or more depen­ding on the desi­red consistency) 


Cook the pota­toes in a pot with a steam attach­ment for 20–25 minu­tes until soft and allow to cool. Then mash the pota­toes and pro­cess them with the spi­ces and pota­to flour to form a smooth dough ball. Divi­de into three dum­plings. First spread some pota­to flour on the work sur­face and then use the rol­ling pin to roll out three round flat cakes. 

Fry the flat­breads one after the other in a coa­ted pan wit­hout fat on a low heat for 10 minu­tes until the dough can be easi­ly remo­ved. Then turn it over and bake the other side for ano­ther 5 minu­tes. Keep warm in the oven. 

For the fil­ling, cut the mush­rooms into sli­ces and quar­ter the egg­plant leng­thwi­se and then cut into sli­ces too. Fine­ly chop the oni­on and gar­lic and brief­ly fry them in a non-stick pan wit­hout any fat. Then add the egg­plant strips and mush­rooms, sea­son with salt, pep­per and map­le syrup and fry until the liquid has almost evaporated. 

Gra­te the car­rot, fine­ly sli­ce the red or white cab­ba­ge, chop the toma­toes and cucum­ber and tear the let­tuce. Chop herbs finely. 

For the tahi­ni dres­sing, puree all the ingre­di­ents in a blen­der. The sau­ce is more than enough for 3 kebabs, goes well with all salads and can be stored in the fri­dge for a week. Cover half of the flat­breads with the raw vege­ta­bles and mush­room mix­tu­re. Spread a thick dollop of sau­ce over the top and ser­ve covered. 

You can find more sau­ce varia­ti­ons in the artic­le Tzat­zi­ki & Dips.

Bon appe­tit!

Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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