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Dürüm with cashew cream

Fil­led dough rolls with a deli­cious cas­hew cream and fresh vege­ta­bles make this reci­pe a high­light. The­re are no limits to your crea­ti­vi­ty and you can modi­fy the fil­ling as desi­red to suit your own taste. 

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Ingre­di­ents for approx. 4 ser­vings of 3 pie­ces each:

For the flatbreads:

For the cas­hew cream: 

For cove­ring:

  • 3 lar­ge tomatoes
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 yel­low pepper
  • 2 smal­ler avocados
  • 1 heart of romaine lettuce
  • Her­bal salt as needed


To make the cas­hew cream, soak the cas­hews in water for about 2 hours. Peel the gar­lic cloves and set asi­de for now.

For the top­ping, quar­ter the toma­toes, remo­ve the stalks and place the gela­ti­nous, seed-con­tai­ning insi­des in a pla­te. Cut the toma­to fle­sh into fine cubes.
Hal­ve the pep­pers, remo­ve the insi­des and also cut them into fine cubes.

Hal­ve the avo­ca­dos, remo­ve the stone and remo­ve the fruit from the peel with a lar­ge spoon. Then sepa­ra­te the hal­ves leng­thwi­se and cut cross­wi­se into thin slices.

Hal­ve the romaine let­tuce heart and then cut it cross­wi­se into fine strips.

Now it’s back to pre­pa­ring the cas­hew cream. Sie­ve the cas­hew nuts, rin­se again with run­ning water and allow to drain. Place in a mixing bowl tog­e­ther with the remai­ning ingre­di­ents (exclu­ding chi­ves) and the insi­des of the toma­toes (which were saved) and mix for at least 1 minu­te at hig­hest power to form a homo­ge­neous cream.

Now pour into a bowl and chop and fold in the chives.

For the flat­breads, mix all the ingre­di­ents tog­e­ther and mix with the almond milk and map­le syrup. Then let the dough rest for a few minutes.

Now it’s best to heat a non-stick pan. You should brush the pan with a litt­le coco­nut oil so that the flat­breads can be tur­ned and remo­ved more easi­ly. Place a small por­ti­on of the bat­ter (about 3/4 cup) in the cen­ter of the hot pan and move it in all direc­tions until the por­ti­on rea­ches all edges of the pan and is even­ly thin­ly spread. Fry the flat­bread brief­ly on both sides until it rea­ches a light gol­den color.

Then put it on a pla­te, put approx. 2 tab­les­poons of cas­hew cream on it and spread it even­ly and thinly.

Now spread some toma­to cubes, pep­per cubes, avo­ca­do pie­ces and romaine strips over it and – if desi­red – sea­son with a litt­le herb salt. Then roll up the Dürüm and ser­ve hal­ved diagonally. 

It tas­tes par­ti­cu­lar­ly good when the flat­bread is fresh­ly baked and still slight­ly cris­py and warm.

Bon appe­tit!

More such fan­ta­stic recipes are in Gün­ther Karl’s cook­books to find:

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