

This deli­cious pota­to-based snack is a tasty snack for in bet­ween, to take with you or ser­ved with a mixed salad – it also makes a fil­ling main meal. 
Empanadas snack
Click on the image to watch the video.

ingre­di­ents for 

  • 500 g pota­toes (any varie­ty), pee­led and rough­ly diced
  • 120g pota­to starch, more if necessary

For the filling: 

  • 1 medi­um, fine­ly chop­ped onion
  • 60g fine­ly chop­ped red, yel­low or oran­ge peppers
  • 30 g fine­ly chop­ped tomato
  • 30 g coo­ked black beans (optio­nal)
  • 1/2 tsp ground cumin
  • 1/2 tsp Papri­ka powder
  • 1/2 tsp Gar­lic powder
  • 1/4 tsp Chip­ot­le powder
  • 1 tbsp fine­ly chop­ped fresh coriander
  • 1 teas­poon fresh­ly squeezed lime juice


Steam the pota­toes in a pot with a steam­er insert until ten­der, 20 to 25 minu­tes. Mash with a pota­to mas­her or pota­to press. Add the pota­to starch and knead until you have a soft, non-sti­cky dough. Add more starch if neces­sa­ry.
While the pota­toes are steam­ing, prepa­re the filling. 

To do this, place a non-stick cera­mic pan over medi­um heat. Add the oni­ons and cook until sof­ten­ed, 3 to 5 minu­tes. Add pep­pers, toma­toes, black beans (if using), cumin, papri­ka, gar­lic pow­der and chip­ot­le pow­der. Cook ano­ther 5 to 8 minu­tes until the pep­pers and beans are ten­der. Stir in the cori­an­der and lime juice. Remo­ve from heat and set asi­de.
Pre­heat the oven to 200°C and line a lar­ge bak­ing tray with bak­ing paper.

To make the empa­na­das, sprink­le a work sur­face gene­rous­ly with pota­to starch and roll out the dough to about 0.6 cm thick. Cut out cir­cles with a dia­me­ter of about 5 cm. Place each cir­cle indi­vi­du­al­ly on the pre­pared bak­ing sheet and place 1 to 2 tab­les­poons of the fil­ling on top of the dough. Now careful­ly fold one side of the dough over the fil­ling and seal the empa­na­da by gent­ly pres­sing the edges tog­e­ther with a fork. Pinch the dough if it has any cracks. Repeat the pro­cess with the remai­ning dough and fil­ling.
Bake the empa­na­das for 25 to 30 minu­tes, until brow­ned on top. Allow to cool for 5 minu­tes befo­re serving.

Bon appe­tit!

Source: Heal your brain, The prac­ti­cal program

Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb 

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