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Essential oils – safe?

Essen­ti­al oils have beco­me very popu­lar among many peo­p­le and their use is not only exter­nal but also inter­nal. Find out what you need to know about this com­mon use and its long-term effects. 
Essential oil in water bowl

In the last 8 years, the con­sump­ti­on of essen­ti­al oils has increased dra­ma­ti­cal­ly. They are appli­ed to skin, hair and nails, drunk with a glass of water or taken as drops through the mouth. Essen­ti­al oils are also some­ti­mes found in cos­me­tics or are added to laun­dry or clea­ning pro­ducts at home. The pos­si­bi­li­ties are diver­se. But can it real­ly have a heal­ing effect, as some claim? 

Essential oils can cause mold

Our favo­ri­te aut­hor explains in a live stream that the con­sump­ti­on of essen­ti­al oils has beco­me ram­pant in recent years due to good sales stra­te­gies and mar­ke­ting. The pro­blem with essen­ti­al oils is that when they are appli­ed to the skin, for exam­p­le, the oil gets ever­y­whe­re it should­n’t go. On sofa uphols­tery, clot­hing, car­pets and other fur­ni­tu­re. And once they end up the­re, the oils are dif­fi­cult to get rid of. Even in clo­thes that are washed seve­ral times, oils get stuck in wit­hout us even noti­cing. And now we come to the real pro­blem: Essen­ti­al oils cau­se mold right whe­re they end up, i.e. in our uphols­tery, in our bed or on our walls. 

Vaporizing essential oils is better than direct skin contact

Alt­hough the use of essen­ti­al oils can cer­tain­ly have a posi­ti­ve effect, he empha­si­zes that they should be used in small quan­ti­ties. Allo­wing oils to eva­po­ra­te is much bet­ter than direct cont­act, but should still be used mini­mal­ly and only when you real­ly need it. The effect usual­ly wears off very quick­ly and over time, if too much is used, it beco­mes a real mold pro­blem. (Learn more about health Expo­sure to mold.)

Under no circumstances should you use essential oils internally 

Howe­ver, under no cir­cum­s­tances should you con­su­me essen­ti­al oils oral­ly, for exam­p­le with a glass of water or in a coo­king reci­pe. Even a few drops are far too strong for the body and have a high­ly irri­ta­ting effect on the cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem. He says essen­ti­al oils were never inten­ded to be con­su­med this way, but com­pa­nies have thought of ways to make more pro­fits. Becau­se a bot­t­le of essen­ti­al oil can last someone 10 years or even longer. 

Our favo­ri­te aut­hor is gene­ral­ly not against the exter­nal use of essen­ti­al oils. They defi­ni­te­ly have posi­ti­ve bene­fits. Howe­ver, he points out that if you come into direct cont­act with essen­ti­al oils, you should imme­dia­te­ly wash them off your body tho­rough­ly. Howe­ver, oral inta­ke should be avo­ided entirely.

Source: Live on Rum­ble, Part 1, Live on Rum­ble Part 2 

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