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Babaganoush – eggplant dip

Bab­a­ga­noush is a Midd­le Eas­tern egg­plant dip that tra­di­tio­nal­ly con­ta­ins fat. In this tasty ver­si­on, fat is omit­ted for the sake of the liver. 

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Poke holes in the auber­gi­nes with a fork and place the auber­gi­nes on a bak­ing tray lined with bak­ing paper. Place the gar­lic cloves on the bak­ing tray, but if neces­sa­ry remo­ve them ear­lier. Bake at 200 °C for about 45 minu­tes and then let cool slightly. 

Once coo­led, cut leng­thwi­se and scra­pe the fle­sh out of the skin with a spoon. Mix in a high-speed blen­der with the other ingre­di­ents (except pome­gra­na­te seeds, pars­ley and mint) for about 1 minu­te until a thick, cre­a­my con­sis­ten­cy is achieved. 

Pour the dip into a bowl and stir in the pars­ley. Gar­nish with the mint strips befo­re serving. 

Bon appe­tit!

Source: Munee­za Ahmed

Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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