
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Fat-free potato waffles

Simp­le as it gets! With just two ingre­di­ents you can con­ju­re up deli­cious, cris­py waf­f­les that tas­te deli­cious at any time of the day and pro­vi­de the body with heal­ing ingredients. 

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Ingre­di­ents for approx. 8–9 waffles: 


Steam the pota­toes in a steam­er or colan­der over a pan of sim­me­ring water until ten­der when pier­ced with a fork. Remo­ve and let cool completely!

Place the pota­toes in a bowl and mash them until they are lump-free using a pota­to masher.

Pre­heat a waff­le iron to high heat. Don’t grease! Add the mas­hed pota­toes until the bot­tom of the waff­le iron is even­ly coa­ted, then clo­se and place over medi­um heat. Bake for about 15 minu­tes wit­hout lif­ting the lid until the waff­le is cris­py. Repeat gra­du­al­ly with the rest of the mixture.

Ser­ve waf­f­les with map­le syrup. Alter­na­tively, the waf­f­les can be used like bread to make sandwiches.

Bon appe­tit!


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