

This foc­ac­cia made from cas­sa­va and almond flour, bound with tapio­ca starch and enri­ched with toma­toes and herbs is quick to prepa­re. It also tas­tes very good with toma­to soup or with a spi­cy dip. 
Sliced focaccia with tomatoes
Click on the image to watch the video.

Ingre­di­ents for one tray:


Pre­heat the oven to 220 degrees.
Mix all dry ingre­di­ents in a bowl. In ano­ther bowl, stir tog­e­ther map­le syrup, water and lemon juice. Pour the liquid mix­tu­re into the dry ingre­di­ents and mix tho­rough­ly
mix. When the dough is rea­dy, place it on a small bak­ing dish (21 cm long) lined with bak­ing paper. Now add all optio­nal ingre­di­ents such as: B. hal­ved cher­ry toma­toes and dried thy­me.
Then put the foc­ac­cia in the oven to bake.
Bake at 220°C for 20–22 minu­tes. When the foc­ac­cia is rea­dy, plea­se let it cool com­ple­te­ly befo­re cut­ting it. Then sli­ce and enjoy!

This goes well with this deli­cious toma­to soup, sim­ply replace the crou­tons with the foc­ac­cia. The dip is also very tasty and quick to make this reci­pe in addition. 

Bon appe­tit!

Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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