
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Fruit leather made from berries

Fruit lea­thers are a deli­cious, easy-to-make snack for on the go, in the car, at pic­nics, at school and at work. Not only can you make them from ber­ries, but the­re are no limits to your ima­gi­na­ti­on when it comes to using fruit. 

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1. Oven method:

Pre­heat the oven to 75°C. Puree the ber­ries, lemon juice and map­le syrup in a blen­der for about 4 – 5 minu­tes until very smooth. (If the ber­ries are fro­zen, let them thaw before­hand to make it easier to mix.) Line 2 lar­ge bak­ing trays with bak­ing paper and spread the mix­tu­re thin­ly on them. Bake in the oven for 3–4 hours until the mix­tu­re is no lon­ger sti­cky. Then let it cool and careful­ly remo­ve it from the bak­ing paper. Now roll it up into a tight roll and cut into small rolls. 

2nd method in the dehydrator: 

Blend the ingre­di­ents in a food pro­ces­sor or blen­der until smooth. Now spread the mix­tu­re into dehy­dra­tor trays so that it is about 3 mm thick. Place the shells in the dehy­dra­tor at 36°C for about 8 hours. When the lea­ther is dry but feels slight­ly sti­cky, it can be remo­ved. Roll up and cut into small rolls. 

Bon appe­tit!


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Celery juice male

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