
Garam masala potatoes

The Indi­an spi­ce mix­tu­re garam masa­la gives this pota­to pan its spi­cy-sweet tas­te. The dish is easy to cook, inex­pen­si­ve and can easi­ly be sup­ple­men­ted with other vege­ta­bles, such as: E.g. leek and broccoli. 
Plate of garam masala potatoes
Click on the image to watch the video.

Ingre­di­ents for 2 servings: 

For the pota­to pan: 

  • approx. 70 g diced onions
  • 2 fine­ly chop­ped gar­lic cloves
  • 1 tsp fine­ly chop­ped ginger
  • 1.5 tbsp Garam masa­la
  • 1 kg pota­to cubes
  • approx. 85 g diced tomatoes
  • approx. 110 g diced peppers
  • 240ml Heal­ing broth or water or Vege­ta­ble broth
  • 1 handful of fresh coriander
  • 1/2 tbsp fresh­ly squeezed lime or lemon juice

For home­ma­de garam masala: 

Pre­pa­ra­ti­on of pota­to pan:

In a non­stick cera­mic pan, sau­té the oni­ons until soft, 3–5 minu­tes. If neces­sa­ry, add a litt­le water to pre­vent them from burning. 

Add the gar­lic, gin­ger and garam masa­la and cook for ano­ther 1–2 minu­tes until the aro­ma of the spi­ces is released. 

Next this Heal­ing broth (or vege­ta­ble broth or water) into the pan along with the toma­toes, pep­pers and pota­toes and sim­mer on a low heat for 10 to 15 minu­tes until the pota­to cubes are cooked. 

To ser­ve, arran­ge on 2 pla­tes and drizz­le with a litt­le lime or lemon juice and sprink­le with the chop­ped coriander.

Bon appe­tit!

Source: Heal your brain, The prac­ti­cal program

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