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Gnocchi with “bacon cream sauce”

This hear­ty and fat­ty dish is defi­ni­te­ly not for every day, but is a tre­at for a spe­cial occa­si­on. It is also ide­al for enjoy­ing a meal with guests. 

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“Bacon cream sauce”:



First, for the gnoc­chi, peel and press the pota­toes from the day befo­re. Add the pota­to flour and mix well but loo­se­ly with the salt. Only now add the water gra­du­al­ly and knead into a firm dough.
Form gnoc­chi approx. 3 x 2 cm in size from the dough and place them in slight­ly boi­ling sal­ted water and let them sit for a few minu­tes. The gnoc­chi are rea­dy when they float to the sur­face of the water. Then remo­ve with a sie­ve, drain well and place on a lar­ge pla­te to cool and set asi­de. The gnoc­chi should not touch each other while coo­ling to avo­id sti­cking to each other.

For the sau­ce, fine­ly chop the oni­ons and fry them in coco­nut oil (the coco­nut oil can optio­nal­ly be omit­ted). Degla­ze with 600 ml of the cas­hew milk and all the coco­nut milk.
Dis­sol­ve the arrow­root starch in a sepa­ra­te glass with the remai­ning 200 ml cas­hew milk and add it to the sau­ce. Bring the sau­ce to the boil until it thi­c­kens as desired.

Plea­se pul­veri­ze the vege­ta­ble broth pow­der again in the blen­der befo­re pro­ces­sing. Then add the fine­ly ground pow­der, pep­per and lemon juice to the sau­ce and sea­son well again.

In one non-stick pan Fry the coo­led gnoc­chi with a litt­le coco­nut oil until they are gol­den. Final­ly, brief­ly fry the dul­se in a pan wit­hout fat and sprink­le about 1 teas­poon per pla­te. This replaces the tas­te of bacon and is nice and cris­py when eaten.

Mix the gnoc­chi and sau­ce in por­ti­ons in a bowl, place in deep pla­tes and sprink­le with the fried dul­se flakes.

Bon appe­tit!

Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

More such fan­ta­stic recipes are in Gün­ther Karl’s cook­books to find:

PS Don’t for­get, the reci­pe con­ta­ins a rela­tively high amount of fat and should the­r­e­fo­re only be eaten rare­ly (e.g. on a spe­cial occasion)!

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