
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Soups & Stews

Some­ti­mes you just have to do it quick­ly becau­se you don’t have time to cook. Then a rea­dy-made soup from a jar is just the thing. The­se soups are also a good solu­ti­on when you don’t have the strength and ener­gy to prepa­re some­thing fresh. The sim­pli­ci­ty of pre­pa­ra­ti­on then makes ever­y­day life easier.

Soups & Stews 1
Cau­li­flower soup
with white beans 
Soups & Stews 2
Broc­co­li cream soup
with chick­peas
Soups & Stews 3
car­rot cream soup
with leek and ginger 
Soups & Stews 4
pump­kin cream soup
with app­les
Soups & Stews 5
Zuc­chi­ni cream soup with pota­toes and onions 
Soups & Stews 6
Leeks and potatoes 
Soups & Stews 7
Zuc­chi­ni Soup
with qui­noa