
How can water be revitalized?

The­re are 4 dif­fe­rent ways to revi­ta­li­ze water in a com­pli­ant manner. 
Click on the image to watch the video.

1. Water can be drunk directly 

2. Tea

After pou­ring, let the tea cool to below 42° C and then revi­ta­li­ze with lemon juice or honey. Pre­pared this way, it counts as part of the drin­king quan­ti­ty with revi­ta­li­zed water.

3. Enrichment with natural products

For this pro­duc­tion, the fol­lo­wing natu­ral pro­ducts must be stee­ped in water for at least 6 hours in order to revi­ta­li­ze the water. 

  • Pie­ces of fruit and vege­ta­bles, e.g. E.g. apple sli­ces, cucum­ber slices
  • soft fruit
  • Herbs

4. Sun tea

For this revi­ta­liza­ti­on, water and fresh lemon balm are pla­ced in a glass jug and char­ged direct­ly in the sun for a few hours. The sun extra­cts the heal­ing powers of lemon balm and makes them even more potent.

Fresh juices count towards the amount of revi­ta­li­zed water

It also includes fresh­ly squeezed, pure fruit and vege­ta­ble juices, e.g. b.

5. Light water 

“Enri­ching your drin­king water with heal­ing light has a very reli­e­ving and sup­port­i­ve effect on thy­ro­id dis­or­ders. Pour yours­elf a glass of water and place it in front of you. Now rai­se a fist abo­ve your head to visua­li­ze it fil­ling with light. Open your hand over the glass toward the water and say, “Light,” as you ima­gi­ne the light flowing into the water. Coll­ect light again with your fist and release it into the water while say­ing “light”. The who­le thing is best done seven times. The angels around you know what you are doing and are sup­port­ing the ‘expo­sure’ of the water.”

With each sub­se­quent use, the light sup­pli­es heal­ing ener­gy to the water, chan­ging its struc­tu­re so that it beco­mes a divi­ne eli­xir of trans­for­ma­ti­on. For the thy­ro­id, garg­le with the water befo­re swal­lo­wing it. Visual­ly ima­gi­ne the light from the water flowing into the thy­ro­id, kil­ling Epstein-Barr viru­s­es that attack the thy­ro­id and repai­ring tis­sue damage. […]

This water, whe­ther you soa­ked it with light yours­elf or got it from someone else, is like a loving pro­tec­ti­ve shell for your thy­ro­id. The light also sti­mu­la­tes the thyroid’s own immu­ne sys­tem, i.e. its spe­cial lym­pho­cytes, and acts like a kind of bat­tery char­ger for the gland.”

Quo­te from Heal your thy­ro­id Page 264

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