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How do you start changing your diet in a compliant way?

If you’­ve deci­ded to chan­ge your diet, you’­re pro­ba­b­ly won­de­ring whe­re to start. This artic­le shows you the most important steps to get started. 

Chan­ging your eating habits should not be imple­men­ted radi­cal­ly all at once, but rather step by step. Our favo­ri­te aut­hor always points out in his wri­tin­gs and radio shows that ever­yo­ne is dif­fe­rent and has their own pace. His mot­to is: Today is the day for the next step!
He does­n’t say that the enti­re moun­tain has to be clim­bed in one day, but rather step by step at an indi­vi­du­al pace, based on each individual’s indi­vi­du­al situation.

These are the individual steps

  • Start the mor­ning by drin­king 0.5 liters of lemon water. To do this, you take pure water to which the juice of half a lemon (wit­hout pulp) has been added. This lemon water ensu­res that all the sub­s­tances that your liver fil­te­red during the night can actual­ly lea­ve the body. If the­re is too litt­le flu­id, most of it stays in the body ins­tead of being excre­ted as intended.
  • Next he recom­mends the 3 most important basic nut­ri­tio­nal sup­ple­ments. The­se are Vit­amin B12 (Ade­no­syl & Methyl­co­ba­la­min), Zinc and vit­amin C.
  • Ano­ther step is to drink 0.5 liters of pure cele­ry juice every day on an emp­ty sto­mach in the mor­ning. If you drank the lemon water before­hand, wait at least 20 minu­tes befo­re adding the cele­ry juice. Cele­ry juice is a high­ly effec­ti­ve reme­dy, but it does not replace break­fast becau­se the juice con­ta­ins only a few calo­ries. For 0.5 liters of fresh­ly pres­sed cele­ry juice you need at least one who­le stalk of cele­ry, which always depends on the size and qua­li­ty. Ide­al­ly, you should use orga­nic cele­ry. Howe­ver, if this is not pos­si­ble, he recom­mends brushing the con­ven­tio­nal cele­ry tho­rough­ly with a drop of orga­nic dish­wa­shing liquid in the washing water. Bak­ing soda is not recom­men­ded. The juice should no lon­ger con­tain any pie­ces of fiber, other­wi­se it will be pro­ces­sed and digested by the diges­ti­ve tract. Howe­ver, it must pass through the diges­ti­ve tract lar­ge­ly unhin­de­red so that it can deve­lop its bene­fi­ci­al effects ever­y­whe­re in the body. So if it con­ta­ins fibers, press it again through a sie­ve or a sie­ve Nut milk bag.

Anyo­ne who has alre­a­dy been able to inte­gra­te the­se first 3 steps into their dai­ly rou­ti­ne can slow­ly incor­po­ra­te the next steps.

What can be changed next?

  • It is a won­derful help for dai­ly deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on Hea­vy Metal Detox Smoothie to drink. You will find detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on about this in the fol­lo­wing reci­pe. The HMDS Many peo­p­le drink it in the mor­ning becau­se it’s good Break­fast replaced.
  • Fur­ther­mo­re, it is important to eli­mi­na­te the so-cal­led no foods gra­du­al­ly and at your own pace. The­se include eggs, dairy pro­ducts, glu­ten, pork, corn, soy, rape­seed oil, canola oil, glut­ama­te and aquacul­tu­re fish. The­se are all foods that eit­her feed viru­s­es and bac­te­ria or put exces­si­ve strain on the liver and make its tasks much more difficult.
  • At the same time, the pro­por­ti­on of recom­men­ded foods is increased. The­se include, abo­ve all, fruit and vege­ta­bles, herbs and spi­ces, wild plants and Honey. When it comes to vege­ta­bles in par­ti­cu­lar pota­toes, sweet pota­toes and pump­kin.

By eli­mi­na­ting no foods and incre­asing the amount of fruit and vege­ta­bles, increased deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on is sti­mu­la­ted in the body. Every avo­id­ance of no food is a step in the right direc­tion, no mat­ter how small it may seem. It’s not about stres­sing yours­elf out through strict, rigo­rous chan­ges and fee­ling like you’­re going wit­hout and what should I eat all the time. Do it at your own pace and don’t overtax yours­elf or your body. Stay in the right direc­tion, but don’t rush off at high speed, that’s just not fun. Remem­ber that it takes time for the body to regu­la­te its­elf and be pati­ent with yourself.

This is whe­re cele­ry juice unfolds one of its won­derful effects. It enters the diges­ti­ve sys­tem, is absor­bed into the intesti­nal wall and also rea­ches the liver.
The liver’s important fil­ter func­tion can no lon­ger be per­for­med opti­mal­ly if the fil­ter is blo­cked by fat cells or toxins. We don’t expect a vacu­um clea­ner bag to per­form at its best if we don’t chan­ge the fil­ter regu­lar­ly. For­t­u­na­te­ly, it is very easy to start this liver cle­an­sing pro­cess again. Cele­ry juice plays a cru­cial role here as it helps flush out all tho­se toxins that our favo­ri­te aut­hor calls “trou­ble­ma­kers.”

If you are won­de­ring what can be stored in your liver, then here is a small excerpt of the possibilities:

  • Per­fu­mes
  • Cos­me­tics
  • Gaso­li­ne (by fil­ling up)
  • air fres­he­ner
  • Pesti­ci­des
  • Her­bici­des
  • toxic hea­vy metals such as mer­cu­ry, alu­mi­num and copper
  • old medi­ci­nes
  • Patho­gens such as viru­s­es and bac­te­ria and their viral was­te pro­ducts and toxins, espe­ci­al­ly Epstein-Barr virus, HHV‑6 and HHV‑7, cyto­me­ga­lo­vi­rus, strep­to­coc­ci and E. coli

Half a liter of fresh­ly squeezed drink dai­ly on an emp­ty sto­mach Cele­ry juice Drin­king is a powerful wea­pon in the fight for a satis­fac­to­ry body weight.

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