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Coffee enema?

The­re is a com­mon belief that the cof­fee ene­ma is good for liver deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on. This artic­le warns about the harmful effects of the cof­fee ene­ma, espe­ci­al­ly with regard to the liver. 

Both alter­na­ti­ve and con­ven­tio­nal medi­ci­ne cla­im that a cof­fee ene­ma can have a cle­an­sing and deto­xi­fy­ing effect. Howe­ver, in con­trast to con­ven­tio­nal ene­mas, the focus is not on cle­an­sing the intesti­nes, but on the liver. The cof­fee ene­ma ensu­res a bet­ter deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on func­tion of the liver and is inten­ded to help the body heal and impro­ve well-being.

Coffee enema warning

Howe­ver, our favo­ri­te aut­hor warns against this and explains that the­re is a big dif­fe­rence whe­ther cof­fee first goes through the sto­mach or direct­ly into the intesti­nes. Even if cof­fee is gene­ral­ly not healt­hy, your sto­mach still knows how to deal with it. The sto­mach has cer­tain con­trol points that prepa­re the body for the very aci­dic and dehy­drating cof­fee and defu­se the cof­fee as best as pos­si­ble befo­re it enters the blood­stream. Howe­ver, this pro­tec­ti­ve mecha­nism of the body is lost when absor­bed direct­ly via the diges­ti­ve tract.

Coffee enema and adrenaline

Cof­fee ene­mas pro­vi­de a pure flood of adre­na­line. On the one hand, the liver sees the cof­fee ene­ma as a dan­ge­rous thre­at and releases lar­ge amounts of adre­na­line to warn and pro­tect the heart of the dan­ger. On the other hand, the­re is also the adre­na­line, which is released by the caf­feine in the cof­fee and now enters the body direct­ly wit­hout being defu­sed by the stomach.

Coffee enema and the adrenal glands

Espe­ci­al­ly peo­p­le with Adre­nal pro­blems and sen­si­ti­ve cen­tral ner­vous sys­tems should be awa­re of the effects of cof­fee ene­mas. In peo­p­le who gene­ral­ly have a lot of fears, the sym­ptoms of the fears can increase enorm­ously. It is often assu­med that this is a deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on sym­ptom. In rea­li­ty, the cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem can­not cope with the amounts of caf­feine and adre­na­line and this over­load is the real cau­se of the anxiety.

Coffee enema good for the liver? 

The cla­im that a cof­fee ene­ma is good for the liver is a fall­a­cy. The oppo­si­te is the case! Even if a cof­fee ene­ma forces the liver to deto­xi­fy to a cer­tain ext­ent, the flus­hed out toxins are then imme­dia­te­ly trans­por­ted back to the liver becau­se they can­not be safe­ly eli­mi­na­ted. Due to the sub­s­tances released that the liver needs to cap­tu­re the toxins again and the addi­tio­nal adre­na­line released, the liver is even more toxic after a cof­fee ene­ma than before.

A simple enema is ok

Howe­ver, you should­n’t be afraid of ordi­na­ry ene­mas. He explains in Heal Your Liver that an ene­ma using distil­led or rever­se osmo­sis water ins­tead of cof­fee can actual­ly have a deto­xi­fy­ing effect and is not­hing to be afraid of. This flus­hes out impu­ri­ties and a litt­le lemon juice makes the water even more effec­ti­ve. But it’s also com­ple­te­ly okay if you gene­ral­ly don’t know what to do with the topic and the­r­e­fo­re avo­id it. So it’s defi­ni­te­ly not a must.

Source: Heal your liver

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