
AW-compliant recipes

Com­pli­ant recipes such as deli­cious main cour­ses, soups, breads, stews, salads, smoothies and des­serts accor­ding to Antho­ny William’s recom­men­da­ti­ons. The meals are com­pli­ant, glu­ten-free, corn-free, sugar-free and most­ly fat-free or redu­ced-fat and of cour­se do not con­tain ingre­di­ents such as milk, eggs, soy or other harmful no-foods. The­re are quick recipes with simp­le ingre­di­ents for ever­y­day coo­king as well as slight­ly more ela­bo­ra­te dis­hes that will satis­fy even the most dis­cer­ning pala­te and are also sui­ta­ble for delight­ing guests and non-com­pli­ant fami­ly mem­bers. The recipes include clas­sics of the Medi­cal Medi­um heal­ing tools, such as lemon water, hea­vy metal detox smoothie, liver heal­ing smoothie and heal­ing broth, as well as popu­lar recipes for ever­y­day use. The­se com­pli­ant recipes are sui­ta­ble for many occa­si­ons and dif­fe­rent tas­tes and not only give beg­in­ners a frame­work for coo­king, but even old hands will always find a new and deli­cious tas­te expe­ri­ence in the abun­dance of recipes.

Gnocchi with “bacon cream sauce”


Sweet chili Brussels sprouts with Spirelli whole grain rice

Lentil curry with sweet potatoes


Healing food cream

Sweet potatoes with red cabbage

Cinnamon Applesauce Cookies

Millet balls with baby carrots in dill mustard sauce

Spaghetti squash “Bolognese”

Thumb biscuits with raspberry filling

Stuffed peppers

Paprika ragout with grilled potato thalers

pumpkin bread

Brussels sprouts and sweet potato curry

Cauliflower steaks

Potato and leek gratin

Potato and pea bites

Raw blueberry pie

Smoked potato soup with pumpkin and cauliflower skewers

Cauliflower mashed potatoes

Papaya-banana cream with cinnamon

Smoked onion and bean stew

Paprika and potato goulash

lemon cake

Black bean burgers

Potato and dill salad

Aloo Matar

Mango ice cream with mint

Marinated carrots on millet

Purple fruit leather rolls on a plate

Fruit leather made from berries

A crispy fat-free potato waffle on a blue and white plate

Fat-free potato waffles

Rolled potato wraps filled with lettuce and sprouts

Potato wraps

Bananas smeared with date sauce on lettuce leaves

Banana salad boats

Cucumber pasta with tomato bruschetta on a terracotta colored plate

Cucumber noodles with bruschetta topping

carrot cake

Wild Blueberry Bars

Burrito bowl

Vegan bagels

Vegan potato salad with lamb's lettuce

Vegan potato casserole

Potato pizza boats

Sweet and sour vegetable pan
