
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

AW compliant recipes

Com­pli­ant recipes such as deli­cious main cour­ses, soups, breads, stews, salads, smoothies and des­serts based on Medi­cal Medium’s recom­men­da­ti­ons. The meals are com­pli­ant, glu­ten-free, corn-free, sugar-free and most­ly fat-free or redu­ced-fat and of cour­se do not con­tain ingre­di­ents such as milk, eggs, soy or other harmful no-foods. The­re are quick recipes with simp­le ingre­di­ents for ever­y­day coo­king as well as more ela­bo­ra­te dis­hes that satis­fy even the most sophisti­ca­ted pala­te and are sui­ta­ble for delight­ing guests and non-con­forming fami­ly mem­bers. The recipes include clas­sics from the Medi­cal Medi­um heal­ing tools, such as lemon water, hea­vy metal detox smoothie, liver heal­ing smoothie and heal­ing broth, as well as popu­lar recipes for ever­y­day life. The­se com­pli­ant recipes are sui­ta­ble for many occa­si­ons and dif­fe­rent tas­tes and not only give beg­in­ners a frame­work for coo­king, but also old hands can always find a new and tasty tas­te expe­ri­ence in the abun­dance of recipes.

Cin­na­mon App­le­sauce Cookies 

The­se deli­cious coo­kies score with the clas­sic com­bi­na­ti­on of cin­na­mon and app­les. Enjoy the temp­ting smell when bak­ing and the won­derful tas­te when eating. 

Spa­ghet­ti squash “Bolo­gne­se”

This reci­pe is vegan, glu­ten-free and at the same time a won­derful dish for all fans of Bolo­gne­se sau­ce. The sau­ce is par­ti­cu­lar­ly spi­cy and is crow­ned with a ‘Par­me­san’ made from Bra­zil nuts. 

Thumb bis­cuits with raspber­ry filling 

If you want to heal, you don’t have to fore­go enjoy­ment. The­se frui­ty, nut­ty coo­kies tas­te deli­cious but do not con­tain any harmful ingre­di­ents. A per­fect tre­at for many occasions. 

Stuf­fed peppers 

Mas­hed pota­toes with a dif­fe­rence! The­se stuf­fed pep­pers not only look good, they tas­te even bet­ter. Enjoy­ed with a green salad, they make a deli­cious, fat-free meal. 

Papri­ka ragout with gril­led pota­to thalers 

A jui­cy and spi­cy ragout that tas­tes deli­cious with the gril­led pota­to tha­lers. Plea­sant­ly fil­ling and yet fat-free, it is an ide­al com­bi­na­ti­on for using pota­toes in com­pli­ant cooking. 

pump­kin bread 

This is a moist, deli­cious bread that can also be fro­zen sli­ced. The pump­kin it con­ta­ins is a rich source of B vit­amins such as fola­te, nia­cin, thi­ami­ne and pan­to­the­nic acid and mine­rals such as cal­ci­um and potassium. 

Brussels sprouts and sweet pota­to curry 

A very spi­cy, Thai-fla­vor­ed cur­ry stew that has a cer­tain spi­ci­ness. Sweet pota­toes and Brussels sprouts har­mo­ni­ze per­fect­ly in this fat-free dish. Fans of spi­cy fla­vors will love it. 

Cau­li­flower steaks 

The­se cau­li­flower steaks are easy to prepa­re and deli­cious in tas­te. The aro­mas of the spi­ces, tog­e­ther with the gar­lic, crea­te a very tasty mari­na­de that har­mo­ni­zes won­derful­ly with the cauliflower. 

Pota­to and leek gratin 

A hear­ty, fil­ling dish baked with a vegan sau­ce made from coco­nut and cas­hew milk. Par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for tho­se who have a fond­ness for gra­tin and are loo­king for com­pli­ant alter­na­ti­ves wit­hout no-foods.

Pota­to and pea bites 

Fin­ger food at its finest! Sim­ply made and very tasty, the small pota­to and pea bites are a nice opti­on for a snack in bet­ween, a din­ner with a salad as a side dish or even for a buffet. 

Raw blueber­ry pie 

This deli­cious cake is made using only raw ingre­di­ents and is a sweet tre­at for anyo­ne who likes dates and figs. Wild blueber­ries with a dif­fe­rence! The cake also tas­tes very good with raspberries. 

Cau­li­flower mas­hed potatoes 

A cre­a­my, satis­fy­ing puree made from pota­toes and cau­li­flower that goes well with any type of vege­ta­ble. Also per­fect as a fil­ling for pep­pers. Quick­ly pre­pared, easy to make and of cour­se compliant.

Papa­ya-bana­na cream with cinnamon 

Cre­a­my papa­ya mixed with fro­zen bana­nas form a seduc­ti­ve com­bi­na­ti­on in this des­sert. A sweet dream for tho­se with a sweet tooth! 

Smo­ked oni­on and bean stew 

When it gets uncom­for­ta­ble out­side, this smo­ked oni­on and bean stew is just the thing. The smo­ked papri­ka pow­der gives this hear­ty stew its spe­cial taste.

Papri­ka and pota­to goulash 

This vegan goulash does not con­tain any fat and gets its deli­cious fla­vor from slow­ly degla­zing with red gra­pe juice. A very spe­cial note is also crea­ted by a touch of vanil­la pod and clove. 

lemon cake 

For lemon lovers, this cake is a dream. It lea­ves not­hing to be desi­red in terms of tas­te, but is not low in fat and should the­r­e­fo­re be enjoy­ed on rare occa­si­ons. The cake is rich in vit­amin C and bio­ac­ti­ve calcium. 

Black bean burgers 

A won­derful alter­na­ti­ve to con­ven­tio­nal bur­ger pat­ties is this ver­si­on made from black beans. They do not con­tain meat, glu­ten or soy and tas­te real­ly deli­cious with salad.

Pota­to and dill salad 

Quick to make and yet so deli­cious, this pota­to salad is a love­ly addi­ti­on to any lunch or din­ner, bar­be­cue, pic­nic or social gathe­ring. The pota­to and dill salad is easy to prepa­re and tas­tes very good the next day too.

Aloo Matar 

The ulti­ma­te com­fort food, this Indi­an-inspi­red dish fea­tures peas and pota­toes in a mild toma­to cur­ry. The ori­en­tal spi­ces such as cur­ry and garam masa­la, tog­e­ther with the gin­ger and honey, crea­te an excep­tio­nal­ly tasty and spi­cy meal.

Man­go ice cream with mint 

This fat-free man­go ice cream is refres­hing and frui­ty. The unfa­vorable com­bi­na­ti­on of fruit and fat is deli­bera­te­ly avo­ided, so this deli­cious deli­ca­cy is a healt­hy tre­at that streng­thens the body and does not put strain on it. 

Mari­na­ted car­rots on millet 

Car­rots with a dif­fe­rence! Mari­na­ted in a fla­vorful mari­na­de and baked in the oven, the­se aro­ma­tic car­rots are a tre­at on a bed of mil­let. The refres­hing toma­to top­ping is the icing on the cake. 

Purple fruit leather rolls on a plate
Fruit lea­ther made from berries 

Fruit lea­thers are a deli­cious, easy-to-make snack for on the go, in the car, at pic­nics, at school and at work. Not only can you make them from ber­ries, but the­re are no limits to your ima­gi­na­ti­on when it comes to using fruit.

A crispy fat-free potato waffle on a blue and white plate
Fat-free pota­to waffles 

Simp­le as it gets! With just two ingre­di­ents you can con­ju­re up deli­cious, cris­py waf­f­les that tas­te deli­cious at any time of the day and pro­vi­de the body with heal­ing ingredients. 

Rolled potato wraps filled with lettuce and sprouts
Pota­to wraps 

Wraps with an unu­su­al coa­ting made from pota­to dough make this deli­cious meal a healt­hy tre­at. Pota­toes are rich in bio­ac­ti­ve lys­i­ne, vit­amin B6 and potassium. 

Bananas smeared with date sauce on lettuce leaves
Bana­na salad boats 

Quick and easy to prepa­re, the­se bana­na salad boats are a deli­cious litt­le snack for both child­ren and adults. Com­bi­ning let­tuce with fruit dou­bles the healt­hy pro­per­ties of both.

car­rot cake 

A fire­work of spi­ces makes this car­rot cake so aro­ma­tic. Cin­na­mon, car­da­mom, vanil­la, gin­ger and cloves har­mo­ni­ze won­derful­ly with wal­nuts, car­rots and rai­sins and tog­e­ther crea­te a deli­cious cake. 

Wild Blueber­ry Bars 

The­se deli­cious blueber­ry bars are ide­al as a deli­cious snack bet­ween meals and on the go. They are easy to make, irre­sis­ti­bly deli­cious and, on top of that, healing. 

Bur­ri­to bowl 

Crun­chy and aro­ma­tic deli­ca­ci­es from Mexi­can cui­sine make this bur­ri­to bowl a spe­cial tre­at. Raw cau­li­flower is easy to digest and so its full poten­ti­al can be used well. 

Vegan bagels 

With oni­ons, gar­lic, sesa­me and pop­py seeds, this vegan, glu­ten-free and dairy-free ver­si­on of a regu­lar bagel does­n’t com­pro­mi­se on tas­te and will lea­ve you cra­ving fresh bagels.

Vegan potato salad with lamb's lettuce
Vegan pota­to casserole 

For fans of cre­a­my pota­to cas­se­ro­les, this vegan ver­si­on is a must. Cas­hew nuts make the deli­cious sau­ce nice and cre­a­my, but the fat con­tent is still quite low. Very fil­ling and sui­ta­ble for child­ren too.

Pota­to piz­za boats 

Pota­toes can help lower the viral load in the body when pre­pared wit­hout adding fat. This reci­pe once again shows the ver­sa­ti­li­ty of this won­derful tuber.

Sweet and sour vege­ta­ble pan 

Sweet and sour com­bi­ne to crea­te an attrac­ti­ve com­bi­na­ti­on in this reci­pe, so it’s not dif­fi­cult to avo­id fat. A colorful meal that is also quick to make. 

Nori rolls with mus­tard dip 

The­se vegan nori rolls are quick to make as deli­cious snacks for din­ner or to take away. The deli­cious sea vege­ta­bles delight the pala­te with their sal­ty note.

Potato pizza with vegetables
Piz­za made from pota­to dough 

This piz­za based on pota­to dough is a plea­su­re wit­hout reg­rets. It does not con­tain glu­ten or grains and does not con­tain any radi­cal fats. 

Cran­ber­ry oran­ge muffins 

Tart cran­ber­ries and sweet oran­ges com­bi­ne in the­se muf­fins to crea­te an irre­sis­ti­ble deli­cious­ness. Cran­ber­ries are rich in anti­oxi­dants that can help heal car­dio­vas­cu­lar dise­a­ses and atherosclerosis.

Mush­room stew 

This hear­ty stew is so fil­ling and deli­cious. Mush­rooms, car­rots, pota­toes, oni­ons and fresh herbs form a deli­cious com­bi­na­ti­on here. 

Dutch apple pie 

Jui­cy, sweet and fil­ling, this apple pie is a feast for the sen­ses. The deli­cious crum­bles are a per­fect com­ple­ment to the frui­ty apple filling. 

Stuf­fed but­ter­nut squash 

Sweet and savo­ry come tog­e­ther in this stuf­fed but­ter­nut squash. The vege­ta­bles in this reci­pe or other crea­ti­ve ide­as of your own can be used as a filling. 

Pump­kin donuts 

Made with pump­kin and glu­ten-free flour, the­se baked donuts are a deli­cious but far healt­hi­er alter­na­ti­ve than their fried, wheat-fil­led counterparts. 
