
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

AW compliant recipes

Com­pli­ant recipes such as deli­cious main cour­ses, soups, breads, stews, salads, smoothies and des­serts based on Medi­cal Medium’s recom­men­da­ti­ons. The meals are com­pli­ant, glu­ten-free, corn-free, sugar-free and most­ly fat-free or redu­ced-fat and of cour­se do not con­tain ingre­di­ents such as milk, eggs, soy or other harmful no-foods. The­re are quick recipes with simp­le ingre­di­ents for ever­y­day coo­king as well as more ela­bo­ra­te dis­hes that satis­fy even the most sophisti­ca­ted pala­te and are sui­ta­ble for delight­ing guests and non-con­forming fami­ly mem­bers. The recipes include clas­sics from the Medi­cal Medi­um heal­ing tools, such as lemon water, hea­vy metal detox smoothie, liver heal­ing smoothie and heal­ing broth, as well as popu­lar recipes for ever­y­day life. The­se com­pli­ant recipes are sui­ta­ble for many occa­si­ons and dif­fe­rent tas­tes and not only give beg­in­ners a frame­work for coo­king, but also old hands can always find a new and tasty tas­te expe­ri­ence in the abun­dance of recipes.

Chick­pea “Tuna” Salad 

This salad is a healt­hy alter­na­ti­ve to the clas­sic tuna salad. It is quick to prepa­re and very fil­ling and also goes well as a fil­ling for let­tuce lea­ves or rol­led in nori leaves. 

Spice cake
Spi­ce cake 

This cake is always per­fect. It’s per­fect for a bir­th­day cake, a Christ­mas par­ty or just a weekend with fami­ly or friends. 

Mil­let and oat toast with linseeds 

Tasty, light and not too dry, this com­pli­ant oat mil­let toast is ide­al for both sweet and spi­cy spreads. Psyl­li­um husks are avo­ided and ins­tead bound with linseed. 

Zuc­chi­ni lasagne 

The clas­sic as a plant-based ver­si­on. Fresh toma­to sau­ce and fat-free pota­to cream make this vegan zuc­chi­ni lasa­gne a won­derful­ly light and com­pli­ant ver­si­on wit­hout glu­ten and milk. 

Raw sweet pota­to salad 

Sweet pota­toes with a dif­fe­rence! This raw sweet pota­to salad is refres­hing, crun­chy and very fil­ling. Per­fect for hot sum­mer days! 

Roas­ted vege­ta­ble noodles 

A colorful pas­ta dish that tas­tes very aro­ma­tic thanks to the roas­ted aro­mas. Green aspa­ra­gus pene­tra­tes deep into organs such as the liver, spleen, pan­cre­as and kid­neys and remo­ves the toxins found there.

oat­me­al cookies 

Cris­py oat­me­al coo­kies wit­hout glu­ten, refi­ned sugar and unhe­alt­hy fats. This deli­ca­cy is a feast for every pam­pe­red palate.

Sweet pota­to pizza 

For fans of piz­za, this is a very healt­hy ver­si­on that not only plea­ses the pala­te, but also the liver. Top­ped with your favo­ri­te vege­ta­bles, it’s a wel­co­me way to use sweet potatoes.

Warm roas­ted vege­ta­ble salad 

The com­bi­na­ti­on of fresh spin­ach and aru­gu­la with the warm, roas­ted vege­ta­bles makes this salad so appe­al­ing. It com­bi­nes the bene­fits of fresh leafy greens and the plea­sant satie­ty of warm and spi­ced vegetables.

Ched­dar broc­co­li soup 

The cre­a­my con­sis­ten­cy of this soup is remi­nis­cent of mel­ted ched­dar cheese. In con­trast to the chee­sy ori­gi­nal, this is a tre­at that does not feed viru­s­es or pathogens.

Car­rot and zuc­chi­ni pota­to pancakes 

There’s no chan­ce of get­ting bored here, as the­se buf­fers are very ver­sa­ti­le. Whe­ther with a mixed salad, baked with sal­sa or as a top­ping on rolls, they are always a hit! 

3 spreads 

Are you still loo­king for spreads that bring more varie­ty to the table and are quick to prepa­re? The guaca­mo­le, cas­hew spread and a pea pas­te are ful­ly compliant.

Straw­ber­ry lemon slices 

The frui­ty sweet­ness of straw­ber­ries com­bi­nes with the refres­hing aci­di­ty of lemons in the­se straw­ber­ry lemon sli­ces. The wal­nut crum­bles har­mo­nious­ly round off the deli­cious slices.

Chick­pea omelet 

This egg-free ome­let is made with chick­pea flour. With jui­cy vege­ta­bles such as mush­rooms and spring oni­ons. It is a deli­cious tre­at with pep­pers or wild herbs such as nettles.

Sweet pota­to and apple sheet cake 

An easy-to-make sheet cake that tas­tes won­derful­ly aro­ma­tic and jui­cy. Very tasty and quick to make, this cake is a hit for the who­le family. 

Sweet pota­to fries with guacamole 

Sweet pota­to fries with a fresh guaca­mo­le (avo­ca­do cream) pre­pared in accordance with the reci­pe. A quick and healt­hy fast food that child­ren also enjoy.

Glu­ten free waffles 

The­se waf­f­les made from glu­ten-free oat flour are a deli­cious and temp­tingly fra­grant addi­ti­on to your diet. Enjoy them plain or with deli­cious applesauce. 

Pumpkin soup with ginger
Pump­kin soup with ginger 

The color alo­ne is warm­ing in this pump­kin soup. It is available in a fat-free ver­si­on, but also in a vari­ant with coco­nut milk for even cre­a­mier enjoyment. 

Anja’s gin­ger­b­read cookies 

The­se deli­cious coo­kies are easy to make and can be gla­zed and deco­ra­ted to your heart’s con­tent. Enjoy­ment wit­hout reg­ret, not just during Advent.

Cup of medicinal broth
Heal­ing broth 

Medi­cinal broth is a powerful, mine­ral-rich liquid that is easy for the body to digest and uti­li­ze. The ingre­di­ents give the body and soul enorm­ous heal­ing properties. 

3 plates of adrenal snacks
Adre­nal snacks 

Over­loa­ded adre­nal glands don’t have to be the case. In this artic­le you will learn how you can spe­ci­fi­cal­ly reli­e­ve your adre­nal glands on a dai­ly basis. Fre­quent small adre­nal snacks are the solu­ti­on and redu­ce stress in the liver, adre­nal glands and pancreas.

Hash browns 

The cris­py crust makes the­se redu­ced-fat pota­to ros­ti a deli­cious meal. If you don’t use fat at all when fry­ing, then sugar-free app­le­sauce is a per­fect addition. 

Glu­ten-free len­til tacos 

Spi­cy len­tils wrap­ped in let­tuce lea­ves are a glu­ten-free snack for the evening or for a vegan buf­fet. The spi­ci­ness can be varied as desi­red, making it a deli­cious bite for every taste! 

Lemon coco­nut macarons 

For fans of coco­nut mac­a­roons, the­se won­derful­ly lem­o­ny mac­a­rons are a must. The refres­hing aci­di­ty of the lemons har­mo­ni­zes per­fect­ly with the tas­te of coco­nut. A dream wit­hout eggs and sugar! 

Plate of broccoli patties
Broc­co­li patties 

Pat­ties don’t have to be bound with egg; the­re is ano­ther way. Chick­peas and broc­co­li are the basis of the­se deli­cious pat­ties, which tas­te best with a refres­hing toma­to dip.

Sliced blueberry banana bread
Blueber­ry bana­na bread 

This glu­ten-free, deli­cious blueber­ry bana­na bread is a tre­at for the body and can also be ser­ved as a cake. It gets its jui­cy con­sis­ten­cy from the mix­tu­re of blueber­ries and bananas.

Two dif­fe­rent dres­sings for salad 

The­se two fat-free salad dres­sings pam­per the pala­te and are very easy to prepa­re. They go per­fect­ly with almost all salads and are also very tasty for children. 

gluten-free bread with spread and cucumber
Anja’s glu­ten-free bread 

Anja’s glu­ten-free bread is a won­derful alter­na­ti­ve to con­ven­tio­nal bread. It gets its good bak­ing pro­per­ties from pota­to flour and lin­seed flour. It is sui­ta­ble for the tran­si­ti­on to a fat-free diet.

Glass bowl with salad with mango and tomato
Refres­hing salad with man­go and tomato 

This frui­ty salad with toma­toes and man­go is a refres­hing deli­ca­cy to take with you. The dres­sing is a sophisti­ca­ted sau­ce made from cas­hews and Bra­zil nuts. Ide­al as a sou­ve­nir to fri­ends’ parties.

Glasses with mango-pineapple-ginger smoothie
Man­go-pineapp­le-gin­ger smoothie 

This smoothie is a vit­amin bomb, deli­cious refresh­ment and gives you vita­li­ty! Man­goes are bene­fi­ci­al for the liver and opti­mi­ze the pro­duc­tion of bile.

Plate of spinach soup
Spin­ach soup 

This raw, fat-free yet rich soup is an inte­gral part of the 3:6:9 liver cle­an­se. It is a tre­at for the liver and is quick to prepare.

Chickpea quiche on green cover
Chick­pea quiche 

A deli­cious quiche that is based on chick­pea flour and does not con­tain any fat. Very fil­ling and ver­sa­ti­le. A plea­su­re cold and warm!

Bowl of banana and apple breakfast
Bana­na and apple breakfast 

This fil­ling break­fast with bana­na and apple is quick to prepa­re and makes you want to take a break from bread. It is also very sui­ta­ble as a break­fast for child­ren so that they get enough ener­gy for the day.

Bowl of Italian potato salad
Ita­li­an pota­to salad 

This refres­hing pota­to salad with a hint of lemon does not con­tain any fat, vin­egar or other no-foods such as eggs. It’s cheap and easy to prepa­re, fil­ling and also goes down well at parties.
