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Chickpea broccoli nuggets

Cris­py on the out­side and soft on the insi­de, the­se deli­cious nug­gets are pre­pared eit­her in the oven or in the hot air fry­er. This fin­ger food is also very popu­lar with many child­ren and tas­tes just as good with cauliflower. 

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Ingre­di­ents for 16 nug­gets:

For the breading: 


Coll­ect the liquid from the can of chick­peas over a sie­ve in a medi­um-sized bowl and set asi­de for a moment. Steam the broc­co­li flo­rets in a pot with a steam­er insert for 5 minu­tes.
Place the broc­co­li in a food pro­ces­sor along with the chick­peas, oni­on, gar­lic and spi­ces. Pul­se about 8 times and then add the oat flour. Pul­se a few more times, being careful not to over-chop the mix­tu­re.
Form 16 nug­gets from the mix­tu­re. Dip each nug­get one at a time into the chick­pea water and then into the brea­ding to coat the nug­gets on all sides.
Brief­ly chop the ingre­di­ents for the brea­ding in a blen­der, not too fine­ly. The nug­gets can be pre­pared eit­her in an air fry­er or in the oven.
If you like, spray the bas­ket of the fry­er with a litt­le oil spray and also the nug­gets so that they don’t stick and beco­me a litt­le cris­pier. Bake the nug­gets for 18 minu­tes at 190 °C, tur­ning them after about 12 minu­tes.
Alter­na­tively, bake in a pre­hea­ted oven at 200 °C for a total of 25 minu­tes and turn after 15 minu­tes.
Enjoy with a dip of your choice.

Source: Ela­vegan

Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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