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Lemon balm and hibiscus lemonade

Hibis­cus lemo­na­de free­zes well in ice cubes and can then be used to spi­ce up plain water as nee­ded. The lemon balm lemo­na­de is fil­led with solar power and is the­r­e­fo­re par­ti­cu­lar­ly healing. 

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Ingredients for 1 glass of lemon balm lemonade:

  • 3–4 sprigs of fresh lemon balm 
  • 1–2 tsp Honey
  • 1 tsp lemon juice


Add 3–4 sprigs of lemon balm to a glass of fil­te­red water. You can also cut the bran­ches small, then even more ingre­di­ents can be extra­c­ted. Then place the glass in the sun for a few hours. The lon­ger it stays in the sun, the dar­ker it gets Her­bal sun water.

After remo­ving the bran­ches, swee­ten with 1 teas­poon of lemon juice and, depen­ding on your tas­te, 1–2 teas­poons of honey. Place in the fri­dge and enjoy well chilled! 

For 1 liter of hibiscus lemonade: 


Bring 250 ml water to the boil in a small sau­ce­pan. Remo­ve the water from the heat and add the dried hibis­cus. Allow to steep for at least 10 minu­tes, then strain and ref­ri­ge­ra­te to cool. 

In a medi­um bowl, whisk the remai­ning 750ml water with the lemon juice and honey until the honey is com­ple­te­ly dis­sol­ved and a smooth lemo­na­de is for­med. When the hibis­cus tea has coo­led, stir it into the lemo­na­de base and enjoy chilled. 


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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