
Make banana ice cream with the Omega juicer MM1500

With the Ome­ga MM1500 it is child’s play to trans­form fro­zen bana­nas into melt-in-your-mouth ice cream using the puree insert. You can make deli­cious, cre­a­my fruit ice cream in no time at all wit­hout having to add addi­tio­nal fat. 

Ingre­di­ents for 1 serving: 

This reci­pe uses the slow jui­cer recom­men­ded by our favo­ri­te aut­hor Ome­ga MM1500 used (Vou­ch­ers and sources for the Ome­ga MM1500).

The­re are 2 dif­fe­rent opti­ons as to how and with which parts the jui­cer is con­s­truc­ted. In the video we show the first opti­on, which is taken from the manufacturer’s ins­truc­tions for use. The second opti­on uses a nozz­le from the bread­stick set in addi­ti­on to the manufacturer’s ins­truc­tions. The ice cream is then shaped a litt­le more com­pact­ly than accor­ding to the manufacturer’s instructions. 

Set up the jui­cer accor­ding to the manufacturer’s instructions: 

  • Place the jui­cing housing on the motor block and enga­ge the locking ring with one turn
  • Insert the press screw
  • Slide the puree insert over the press screw
  • Put on the locking cap and clo­se it with a twist

(Neither the green ring nee­ded for squeezing cele­ry juice nor an out­let screw is required.)

Build a jui­cer based on the exam­p­le of our favo­ri­te aut­hor from a Face­book Live: 

  • Place the jui­cing housing on the motor block and enga­ge the locking ring with one turn
  • Insert the press screw
  • Slide the puree insert over the press screw
  • Choo­se a rec­tan­gu­lar nozz­le from the bread­stick set and place it in the locking cap
  • Put on the locking cap and clo­se it with a twist


Pour fro­zen bana­na pie­ces into the fun­nel and slow­ly press down with the pusher. Coll­ect the bana­na ice cream in a bowl. With Blueber­ry pow­der, vanil­la pow­der and map­le syrup deco­ra­te as desired.


Video: Maar­ja Urb

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