
Make hummus with the Omega juicer MM1500

With the Ome­ga jui­cer MM1500 you can also make hum­mus and regu­la­te the amount of fat and salt indi­vi­du­al­ly. You can get fresh hum­mus with the spi­ces and amount of fat of your choice at any time wit­hout much effort. 
Omega juicer MM1500 for making hummus

You can find the recom­men­ded jui­cer MM1500 in Cele­ry jui­cer com­pa­ri­son.



  • Place the jui­cing housing on the locking ring and clo­se the VR with one turn.
  • Insert the press screw.
  • Slide the sie­ve insert over the press screw.
  • Attach the rec­tan­gu­lar attach­ment of the bread­stick set.
  • Put on the locking cap and screw it tight with one turn.
  • Place a bowl under­neath to catch the puree.
  • Pour coo­ked chick­peas into the fun­nel in portions.
  • Add a few spoon­fuls of sesa­me seeds.
  • Add a pinch of salt and a clove of garlic.
  • Pour in a tab­les­poon of lemon juice.
  • Repeat the pro­cess seve­ral times until all ingre­di­ents are used up.
  • Prepa­re raw vege­ta­ble sticks for dipping.
  • Stir the hum­mus well again and deco­ra­te with papri­ka pow­der and coriander.


Video: Maar­ja Urb

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