
Making your own tinctures

Are you inte­res­ted in making your own tinc­tures to earn some money? Die­ta­ry sup­ple­ments to save? This artic­le will gui­de you step by step through the points to con­sider when making tinctures. 
Making your own tinctures with nettles
Click on the image to watch the video.

Glycerin is better than alcohol

Gly­ce­rin, like alco­hol, is both fat and water solu­b­le. This makes it ide­al for making your own tinc­tures to release a wide ran­ge of valuable ingre­di­ents from plants.

Addi­tio­nal advantages

  • plea­sant, sweet taste
  • sui­ta­ble for pregnant women and children
  • long dura­bi­li­ty
  • slight anti­mi­cro­bi­al effect
  • pre­ser­va­ti­ve

Alco­hol is often used to make your own tinctures:

  • Alco­hol in tinc­tures is usual­ly deri­ved from corn and is the­r­e­fo­re GMO con­ta­mi­na­ted, even if it is organic.
  • The­se tinc­tures the­r­e­fo­re feed all the patho­gens that are behind chro­nic complaints.
  • Even if the alco­hol is not deri­ved from corn (e.g. gra­pe alco­hol), the alco­hol pene­tra­tes the herb and des­troys its benefits.
  • In addi­ti­on, alco­hol always dama­ges the liver and wea­k­ens the immu­ne sys­tem (cf. Cle­an­se to Heal (p.478)).

Making your own tinctures is not difficult

All you need is:

Step by step to your own tincture

  1. Har­ve­st the herb inten­ded for the tinc­tu­re (alter­na­tively, you can use purcha­sed orga­nic herbs). The herbs can be used both fresh and dried.
  2. Pro­cess the herb as quick­ly as pos­si­ble. The more time that pas­ses after har­ve­st, the less bene­fi­ci­al the herb is. Wide-necked jars (e.g. 1 liter pre­ser­ving jars) that can also be clo­sed well are best. Chop up the herb before­hand so that as much as pos­si­ble fits into the jar.
  3. Now you pour over your herb Gly­ce­rin and puri­fied water until the glass is full to the brim. You can use the ratio of 60 % gly­ce­rin to 40 % water as a guide.
  4. Label your jar with the herb name + date.
  5. Shake the tinc­tu­re well at least once a day. This gets the gly­ce­rin moving and allows it to be bet­ter absor­bed by the herb.
  6. Depen­ding on the herb, your tinc­tu­re will be rea­dy in 2 weeks to 2 months.
  7. Now you have to strain out the coar­se ingre­di­ents. For exam­p­le, you can use a cof­fee fil­ter or a nut milk bag.
  8. The remai­ning liquid is your finis­hed tinc­tu­re. If neces­sa­ry, you can fill them into small dark glass bot­t­les and then take them later with a pipette.
  9. You should also label the small bot­t­les careful­ly (name of the herb + date of manu­fac­tu­re). This way you can bet­ter esti­ma­te the dura­bi­li­ty later.

War­ning! Be careful, it feels like 99 % of the gly­ce­rin pro­ducts on the mar­ket con­sist of no-foods and are the­r­e­fo­re of cour­se not sui­ta­ble for com­pli­ant tinc­tures! It looks dif­fe­rent Kasi­mir + Lie­se­lot­te out, the­re is con­for­mal gly­ce­rin to buy in orga­nic qua­li­ty, which is ide­al for pro­du­cing your own, com­pli­ant tinctures:

Making your own tinctures 1
Order orga­nic glycerin

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