
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Mango ice cream with mint

This fat-free man­go ice cream is refres­hing and frui­ty. The unfa­vorable com­bi­na­ti­on of fruit and fat is deli­bera­te­ly avo­ided, so this deli­cious deli­ca­cy is a healt­hy tre­at that streng­thens the body and does not put strain on it. 

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Ingre­di­ents for 2 servings:

  • 300 g fro­zen man­go pieces
  • 1 bana­na, sli­ced and frozen
  • 120 ml chil­led Coco­nut water
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 heaped tsp Honey
  • 3–4 lar­ge lea­ves of mint

Pre­pa­ra­ti­on in the blender:

First mix the coco­nut water with the lemon juice, honey and pep­per­mint very well until the pep­per­mint is com­ple­te­ly dis­sol­ved. If you would like it to be even fres­her and min­tier, you may want to use 1–2 more leaves. 

Pour the liquid into a high-speed blen­der and add the fro­zen fruit. Mix quick­ly so that the mix­tu­re does not heat up too much. If the result is still not firm enough, eit­her add some fro­zen fruit or put it in the free­zer for 1/2 hour. Stir­ring occasionally. 

Then enjoy!

In this reci­pe, we deli­bera­te­ly avo­ided using the cre­a­my, but also quite fat­ty, coco­nut milk for our ice cream and ins­tead used coco­nut water to reli­e­ve the strain on the liver. 

What are your favo­ri­te ice cream crea­ti­ons? Which com­bi­na­ti­ons do you find tastiest? 

Feel free to tell us in the comm­ents what your insi­der tip is! 

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