
Mango-pineapple-ginger smoothie

This smoothie is a vit­amin bomb, deli­cious refresh­ment and gives you vita­li­ty! Man­goes are bene­fi­ci­al for the liver and opti­mi­ze the pro­duc­tion of bile. 
Glasses with mango-pineapple-ginger smoothie
Click on the image to watch the video.

Pineapp­le is the ide­al clea­ning and degre­asing agent in the liver and gin­ger loo­sens fat cells in it. A smoothie like a foun­tain of youth!


  • 1 small mango
  • 1/2 pineapp­le
  • 1 small pie­ce of ginger


It is important to use ripe, ful­ly aro­ma­tic fruits in this reci­pe.
First, the man­go and pineapp­le are chop­ped into small pie­ces. Peel the skin from the gin­ger pie­ce. Place all ingre­di­ents in a blen­der. Now add eit­her ½ glass of chil­led water or coco­nut water as desi­red. Mix vigorously!

Ser­ved chil­led, it tas­tes like a breath of paradise!


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