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Mushroom, broccoli and pepper stir-fry with lentil noodles

Glu­ten-free len­til pas­ta with a frui­ty sau­ce made from oran­ge juice makes this meal a healt­hy, very fil­ling delicacy. 

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This colorful vege­ta­ble pan with glu­ten-free len­til pas­ta is a healt­hy alter­na­ti­ve to the wheat pas­ta you would other­wi­se use.

Ingre­di­ents for 4 persons:


First, cook the len­til nood­les accor­ding to the ins­truc­tions on the packa­ge. While the water for the pas­ta is boi­ling, you can quar­ter the mushrooms.

Then fine­ly sli­ce the oni­on and light­ly fry it in a pan with a dollop of coco­nut oil. Now add the pre­pared mush­rooms and clo­se the pan lid. Mush­rooms con­tain a lot of water, so even with a small amount of fat they won’t burn if you choo­se a medi­um temperature.

Mean­while, cut the broc­co­li into bite-sized pie­ces. The upper stalk can be used and should be added to the mush­rooms first as it takes a slight­ly lon­ger coo­king time. Then add the broc­co­li flo­rets. Roast with the lid on for ano­ther 4–5 minu­tes. Last­ly, add the diced pep­pers and let them fry again for about 5 minu­tes. In the mean­ti­me, the len­til pas­ta is rea­dy and com­ple­tes the mush­room-broc­co­li-pep­per pan.

The juice from a lar­ge oran­ge is used as the sau­ce. You can also use more juice so that the frui­ty fla­vor com­ple­ments the nood­les. Final­ly, pep­per to tas­te, salt modera­te­ly and sprink­le with fresh, chop­ped herbs.

Len­til nood­les are very tasty when eaten warm, but in my opi­ni­on they lose their appeal when the dish has coo­led. They then quick­ly tas­te dry. The­r­e­fo­re, it is best if this deli­cious, healt­hy meal is eaten immediately.

The dish also tas­tes just as good with chick­pea nood­les or green pea noodles

Enjoy your meal!

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