
Nacho fries with salsa

A varie­ty of fla­vors from cris­py fries, fat-free “nacho cheese” sau­ce, cara­me­li­zed oni­ons, sau­té­ed pep­pers, aro­ma­tic sal­sa and hot sau­ce make this dish a deli­cious meal. 
Click on the image to watch the video.


  • 900 g pota­toes, cut into fries
  • 1 medi­um, thin­ly sli­ced onion
  • 1 gar­lic clove, minced
  • 140g thin­ly sli­ced red, oran­ge and/or yel­low peppers
  • 2–3 tbsp hot sau­ce to tas­te (made from mixed toma­toes or toma­to pas­te, red pep­per, gar­lic cloves, hot pep­pers and lemon juice)
  • 10 g fresh cori­an­der for garnish

Nacho Cheese Sauce: 


  • 4–5 medi­um toma­toes, fine­ly chopped
  • 1/2 red oni­on, fine­ly chopped
  • 3 tbsp lime juice
  • 1 small gar­lic clove, fine­ly chopped
  • 1/2 ser­ra­no pep­per or jala­pe­ño, fine­ly chopped
  • 10–15 g chop­ped fresh coriander
  • 1/2 tsp ground cumin (optio­nal)


Pre­heat the oven to 220°C. Line a lar­ge bak­ing tray with bak­ing paper.

Spread the fries in a sin­gle lay­er on a bak­ing sheet and fry them or place them in an air fry­er and air fry them for 30–40 minu­tes. Turn them once in a while until they are nice­ly brow­ned. Alter­na­tively, you can steam who­le pota­toes before­hand and cut them into fries and bake them in the oven for 10–15 minu­tes or put them brief­ly in the air fryer. 

Cook the oni­ons in a non-stick pan over medi­um heat for about 5 minu­tes until trans­lu­cent, adding a litt­le water to pre­vent them from bur­ning. When the oni­ons are rea­dy, add the gar­lic and fry for ano­ther 1–2 minu­tes. Remo­ve and set aside.

Next, fry the pep­pers in the pan over medi­um heat for 3–5 minu­tes, again adding a litt­le water to pre­vent them from bur­ning. Cook until soft and brow­ned. Remo­ve and set aside.

For the nacho cheese, steam the pota­to and car­rot cubes in a pot with a steam attach­ment for 15–20 minu­tes until they are soft. Place in a blen­der and puree with turm­e­ric, gar­lic pow­der, oni­on pow­der, cayenne pep­per, lemon juice and water (if neces­sa­ry) until very smooth.

To make the sal­sa, com­bi­ne the chop­ped toma­toes, red oni­on, lime juice, gar­lic, Ser­ra­no pep­per, cil­an­tro, and cumin even­ly in a medi­um bowl. 

Arran­ge the cris­py fries on pla­tes and gar­nish with the cara­me­li­zed oni­ons, coo­ked pep­pers, nacho cheese sau­ce, sal­sa, hot sau­ce and fresh cil­an­tro. Ser­ve immediately.

Bon appe­tit!


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