
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Nerve-Gut Acid Stabilizer

Are you strugg­ling with sto­mach cramps, bloa­ting, chro­nic gas­tri­tis, mild acid reflux or other diges­ti­ve dis­or­ders? Or have you been told you have a pro­blem with your micro­bio­me? Then take the Ner­ve-Gut Acid Sta­bi­li­zer Brain Shot. 

Ner­ve-Gut Acid Sta­bi­li­zer Brain Shot if:

  • You want to streng­then your vagus nerves
  • You strugg­le with sto­mach cramps, bloa­ting, chro­nic gas­tri­tis, mild acid reflux, or other diges­ti­ve disorders 
  • You feel like your food is not being digested, bro­ken down, or assimilated 
  • You feel like your nut­ri­ent absorp­ti­on is poor 
  • You have been told that you have a pro­blem with the micro­bio­me or gut microflora
  • You feel like you are toxic or that your blood is toxic
  • You feel like your liver and lymph are toxic, sta­g­nant and sluggish
  • You have a sour sto­mach, a sour fee­ling in your throat or mouth, or a sour fee­ling throug­hout your body
  • Your body odor is more noti­ceable than usual
  • You strugg­le with chro­nic nau­sea or chro­nic bloating
  • You’­re try­ing to repair aci­dic body sys­tems and make your body sys­tems more alkaline

Ingre­di­ents for 1–2 Brain Shots:

  • 4 to 6 cups tight­ly packed fresh pars­ley or fresh cilantro

*Note: Choo­se eit­her pars­ley or Cil­an­tro (not both at once) to make eit­her a pure pars­ley or a pure cil­an­tro shot.

(1 Ame­ri­can cup con­ta­ins approx. 250 ml)


Allow 15 to 30 minu­tes befo­re and after this eli­xir to eat or drink for 15 to 30 minutes.


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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