
Nori rolls with mustard dip

The­se vegan nori rolls are quick to make as deli­cious snacks for din­ner or to take away. The deli­cious sea vege­ta­bles delight the pala­te with their sal­ty note. 
Click on the image to watch the video.


  • 4 Nori sheets
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 4–8 romaine let­tuce lea­ves, depen­ding on size
  • Red oni­on rings
  • 8 cock­tail toma­toes, halved
  • Cucum­ber sticks made from half a cucumber
  • Papri­ka sticks from a red pepper
  • stea­m­ed aspa­ra­gus as desired
  • Cori­an­der if desired
  • 2 mush­rooms, sliced
  • 1 bowl of sprouts
  • 3 tbsp Honey
  • 2 Tea spoons Mus­tard powder
  • 3 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/8 tsp turm­e­ric
  • 40 g pee­led zucchini
  • 1/2 clove of garlic


Wash and cut the vege­ta­bles and let­tuce. Place a nori sheet with the smooth side down on the work sur­face and sprink­le with a litt­le lemon juice and spread the juice over it. 

In the front third, cover the nori sheet with the vege­ta­bles in lay­ers, first the let­tuce leaf, then oni­on rings, hal­ved toma­toes, cucum­ber sticks, pep­per sticks, mush­rooms and sprouts. Don’t put too much on it, other­wi­se it will be dif­fi­cult to roll. 

Now slow­ly form the roll from the front side and press the vege­ta­bles firm­ly as you roll it up. With the seam side down, careful­ly saw into 6–7 rolls on a cut­ting board using the ser­ra­ted kni­fe. Arran­ge the nori rolls on a pla­te and ser­ve with the mus­tard dip. 


For the dip, put honey, mus­tard pow­der, lemon juice, turm­e­ric, pee­led zuc­chi­ni and half a clove of gar­lic in a small blen­der and mix briefly. 

Bon appe­tit!

He pre­sen­ted this reci­pe on Tik­Tok, ano­ther ver­si­on with bana­nas or pota­toes can be found at the fol­lo­wing link: 


Other mus­tard variations

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