
What do I have to pay attention to with oatmeal?

Many com­pli­ant bak­ing recipes con­tain oat flakes, becau­se oats turn out to be an all-roun­der in a glu­ten-free diet. Howe­ver, the­re are a few things to con­sider when it comes to oats. 
Oatmeal with wooden spoon

Oats and oatmeal are one of the best grains

“For peo­p­le who want to pre­vent pro­blems or for peo­p­le who alre­a­dy have chro­nic pro­blems that they want to cure, eli­mi­na­ting all grains except mil­let and oats is a way to fur­ther reco­ver and strengthen.”

Cle­an­se to Heal (pp.81–82) Kind­le version

So mil­let and oats are the healt­hie­st grains. They do not increase patho­gens such as strep­to­coc­ci or EBV and are easier to digest than other grains. Still, the­re are oats no heal­ing food:

“Grains such as mil­let and even oats also do not feed patho­gens. But if you eat too much of them, they don’t pro­vi­de enough nut­ri­ents. They take up so much space becau­se they don’t pro­vi­de as much nut­ri­ti­on com­pared to foods you could eat.”

You­tube: Heal­ing Stories

While grains are high­ly nut­ri­tious, they lack the heal­ing phy­to­che­mi­cals, anti­oxi­dants and trace mine­rals of a ber­ry app­les or a bana­na. Fur­ther­mo­re, it does not have any anti­bac­te­ri­al or anti­vi­ral pro­per­ties. But the­se are incre­di­bly important for us to free our­sel­ves from chro­nic ill­nesses (cf. Face­book Live from May 25, 2020 ).

Look for the term “gluten-free” oatmeal

Oats are natu­ral­ly glu­ten-free. Howe­ver, con­ta­mi­na­ti­on with grains con­tai­ning glu­ten can occur during cul­ti­va­ti­on and fur­ther pro­ces­sing. Howe­ver, you are on the safe side if you buy oat­me­al that is spe­ci­fi­cal­ly labe­led as “glu­ten-free” (Revi­sed and Expan­ded Edi­ti­on (p.254).Kindle version).

Delicious baking recipes with oats and oat flakes

Are you loo­king for recipes with oats and oat flakes? Bes­i­des ours popu­lar oat­me­al coo­kies You can find count­less other recipes with oats or oat flour on our web­site. Sim­ply enter the term “oats” in the search bar at the top right and you will have an over­view of all the recipes that use oat flour or oat flakes.

Source of sup­p­ly: Order glu­ten-free oatmeal

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