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Pineapple coconut donuts

Tro­pi­cal fruits like pineapp­le and coco­nut make the­se deli­cious donuts a spe­cial tre­at. Even though they are made wit­hout eggs, dairy pro­ducts and gluten. 

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Ingre­di­ents for 6 donuts: 

For cove­ring:


Pre­heat the oven to 180°C. Light­ly grease a 6‑cup donut tin. Put aside.

Whisk the oat flour, coco­nut flour, who­le grain rice flour, coco­nut blos­som sugar and bak­ing pow­der in a bowl and set aside.

In ano­ther bowl, mix the crus­hed pineapp­le, coco­nut milk, coco­nut oil and ground flax­seeds. Stir until a uni­form mix­tu­re forms.

Now pour the wet ingre­di­ents into the dry ones. Stir again until ever­y­thing is even­ly mixed. The dough should be very thick – add a litt­le more oat flour if neces­sa­ry to achie­ve this con­sis­ten­cy. Pour the dough into the greased donut mold. 

Bake the donuts for 14–16 minu­tes, until the tops are light­ly brow­ned and a tooth­pick inser­ted comes out clean when tested.

Allow to cool in the donut pan for 5 minu­tes, then trans­fer to a wire rack and allow to cool completely.

For the top­ping, beat the cold coco­nut cream with map­le syrup until fluffy. Spread over the coo­led donuts and sprink­le with coco­nut flakes.

Best enjoy­ed the day of bak­ing and stored in an air­tight con­tai­ner until rea­dy to use.

Bon appe­tit!


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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