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Pizza made from potato dough

This piz­za based on pota­to dough is a plea­su­re wit­hout reg­rets. It does not con­tain glu­ten or grains and does not con­tain any radi­cal fats. 

Ingre­di­ents (for a pizza) 


Pre­heat the oven to 200°C.

Peel the pota­toes and cook over steam. Let cool down. Knead with the tapio­ca starch (or pota­to flour), Ita­li­an herbs and salt. Roll out the dough thin­ly bet­ween 2 pie­ces of bak­ing paper with a rol­ling pin and first bake it wit­hout any top­pings for about 15–20 minu­tes, then turn it over and bake it again for about 5–10 minu­tes until the edges are nice and crispy. 

For the toma­to sau­ce, sim­mer the pas­sa­ta with the chop­ped cele­ry sticks, ore­ga­no and optio­nal salt for about 25–30 minu­tes. Then puree the sau­ce in the blender. 

Mean­while, steam the broc­co­li. Hal­ve the toma­toes, cut the pep­pers into small pie­ces or strips, cut the spring oni­ons into rolls and sli­ce the mush­rooms thin­ly. Chop gar­lic finely. 

Spread the toma­to sau­ce on the pre-baked piz­za dough and then top it gene­rous­ly with the pre­pared vege­ta­bles and sprink­le with ore­ga­no. Bake again in the oven for about 10 minutes. 

Bon appe­tit!

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