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Raw sweet potato salad

Sweet pota­toes with a dif­fe­rence! This raw sweet pota­to salad is refres­hing, crun­chy and very fil­ling. Per­fect for hot sum­mer days! 

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  • 3–4 small to medi­um sized sweet potatoes
  • 1/2 cucum­ber
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 1–2 cloves of garlic 
  • may­be a few sprouts
  • Juice of one lemon
  • pri­ze sea-salt
  • pri­ze pep­per
  • 1 teas­poon Black­ber­ry clover
  • fresh mint
  • basil
  • Pars­ley


Peel the sweet pota­toes and gra­te eit­her by hand or in a food pro­ces­sor. Also sli­ce the cucum­ber, add it to the sweet pota­toes and mix well. Then fine­ly chop the oni­on and gar­lic and add them. Chop ple­nty of mint, pars­ley and basil and, if neces­sa­ry, sprink­le over the salad with a few sprouts.

Mix the dres­sing with the juice of a lemon, clover, salt and pep­per and mix with the other ingre­di­ents. If you don’t want to stay fat-free, you can add a tab­les­poon of oli­ve oil to this dressing.

Bon appe­tit!

We would like to thank you very much Kat­ja Bruck­mann (aka Fran­zi Mau­si on Facebook).

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