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Red lentil rolls

Glu­ten-free, high in pro­te­in and easy to prepa­re – the­se red len­til rolls are a deli­cious and healt­hy alter­na­ti­ve to the tra­di­tio­nal variety. 

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  1. Prepa­re len­tils:
    Soak the red len­tils in ple­nty of water over­night. The next day, drain the soa­king water and rin­se the lentils.
  2. Mix len­tils:
    Puree the soa­ked len­tils tog­e­ther with 50 ml of fresh water in a blen­der or food pro­ces­sor until smooth.
  3. Add coco­nut oil:
    Add the liquid coco­nut oil to the len­til mix­tu­re and stir thoroughly.
  4. Add spi­ces:
    Stir turm­e­ric, dried mint, chi­li pow­der, gar­lic pow­der and salt into the len­til mix­tu­re until well mixed.
  5. Add bak­ing pow­der and seeds:
    Stir in the bak­ing pow­der and ground flax­seeds or chia seeds until you reach a smooth consistency.
  6. Let the dough rest:
    Set the dough asi­de for about 30 minu­tes so that the flax seeds or chia seeds can swell and the mix­tu­re thickens.
  7. Bake:
    Shape the dough into the desi­red shape, e.g. into small cakes, and place on a bak­ing tray lined with bak­ing paper. Bake at 180 °C for 25 minu­tes until the cakes are gol­den brown and baked through.


The glu­ten-free len­til bread cakes can be ser­ved warm or cold. They go well with dips, as a side dish or as a snack bet­ween meals.

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