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Red lentil tortillas

Made with just a few ingre­di­ents, the­se red len­til tor­til­las are a fan­ta­stic meal for the who­le fami­ly. The choice of fil­lings are num­e­rous, such as fresh sal­sa, salad, sau­té­ed vege­ta­bles, avo­ca­do, hum­mus, len­tils or roas­ted vegetables. 

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Ingredients for 6 red lentil tortillas:


Place all ingre­di­ents in the con­tai­ner of a high speed blen­der and soak for 3–4 hours. Then blend until the con­tents are very smooth, about 2–3 minu­tes on high speed.

A big, non-stick cera­mic pan set to medi­um heat. Pour 250ml of bat­ter into the cen­ter of the pan and swirl the pan in a cir­cu­lar moti­on to crea­te a lar­ge tor­til­la. Cook on one side for 4–5 minu­tes until the tor­til­la pulls away from the edges, then flip and cook on the other side for ano­ther 1–2 minu­tes. Repeat with the remai­ning dough.

Ser­ve imme­dia­te­ly or store in an air­tight con­tai­ner at room tem­pe­ra­tu­re with parch­ment paper bet­ween tor­til­las for 1–2 days.


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

¹No­te from Astrid: In my expe­ri­ence, the­se red len­til tor­til­las seem to need a litt­le more water, other­wi­se you won’t be able to bake 6 tor­til­las from them becau­se the dough is too thick. The dough did­n’t pan well during my test bak­ing. So I would take about 50 to 100 ml more water by adding the water sip by sip at the end. In the ori­gi­nal it is only 500 ml of water. 

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