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Red lentil and pointed cabbage pan

This hear­ty red len­til and poin­ted cab­ba­ge pan is per­fect for a quick, healt­hy and deli­cious meal! The coco­nut milk makes the dish beau­tiful­ly cre­a­my and the gra­ted gin­ger gives it a fla­vorful, fresh note. 

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Prepa­re len­tils: Wash the red len­tils and cook them in a pot of water until soft, then drain and set aside.

Fry oni­on and gar­lic: Dice the oni­on and chop the gar­lic cloves. Sau­té the diced oni­on and chop­ped gar­lic with a litt­le water in a pan over medi­um heat until translucent.

Prepa­re poin­ted cab­ba­ge: Cut the poin­ted cab­ba­ge into thin, short strips. After steam­ing, add the poin­ted cab­ba­ge strips to the pan with the oni­on and gar­lic and steam for about 5 minu­tes until soft.

Add spi­ces: Add the gra­ted gin­ger with cur­ry pow­der, turm­e­ric pow­der, cumin, chi­li flakes and optio­nal­ly some salt and stir ever­y­thing even­ly and sim­mer over medi­um heat for about 5 minutes.

Add len­tils and coco­nut milk: Add the soft-boi­led red len­tils and coco­nut milk to the pan, stir well and sim­mer for about 8 minu­tes until the poin­ted cab­ba­ge is nice and soft and the fla­vors have combined.

Ser­ve: Ser­ve the finis­hed red len­til and poin­ted cab­ba­ge pan hot and enjoy. (Feel free to gar­nish with a litt­le parsley)

Bon appe­tit!

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