
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Roasted vegetable noodles

A colorful pas­ta dish that tas­tes very aro­ma­tic thanks to the roas­ted aro­mas. Green aspa­ra­gus pene­tra­tes deep into organs such as the liver, spleen, pan­cre­as and kid­neys and remo­ves the toxins found there. 

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  • 300g glu­ten free pasta
  • 630 g cher­ry toma­toes (inclu­ding 260 g for the sauce) 
  • 50g red onions 
  • 145g zuc­chi­ni
  • 165g car­rots
  • 140 green asparagus 
  • 10 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1/4 tsp sea-salt
  • 1/4 tsp Pep­per flakes
  • 150 g rocket


Pre­heat the oven to 200°C. Dice the oni­ons, zuc­chi­ni and car­rots and cut the aspa­ra­gus into approx. 2 cm wide pie­ces. Place on a bak­ing tray lined with bak­ing paper along with the toma­toes and bake for 15–20 minu­tes until the vege­ta­bles are soft. 

Peel the roas­ted gar­lic cloves and add 4 to the blen­der along with 1 cup roas­ted toma­toes, lemon juice, sea salt and the optio­nal red pep­per flakes. Now mix brief­ly until a light, smooth toma­to sau­ce forms.

In the mean­ti­me, prepa­re the glu­ten-free pas­ta accor­ding to the packa­ge ins­truc­tions and mix with the toma­to sauce. 

Add the remai­ning roas­ted toma­toes, oni­ons, zuc­chi­ni, aspa­ra­gus and gar­lic cloves. Stir gent­ly to com­bi­ne. If you like, you can ser­ve the vege­ta­ble nood­les on a bowl with arugula. 

Bon appe­tit!


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