
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Refreshing salad with mango and tomato

This frui­ty salad with toma­toes and man­go is a refres­hing deli­ca­cy to take with you. The dres­sing is a sophisti­ca­ted sau­ce made from cas­hews and Bra­zil nuts. Ide­al as a sou­ve­nir to fri­ends’ parties. 

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  • 1 lar­ge ice­berg let­tuce or bata­via lettuce
  • 250g toma­toes
  • 1 man­go

Ingre­di­ents dressing:


Wash the toma­toes and let­tuce and cut them into bite-sized pie­ces. Dice the man­go. Stored in a tight­ly sealable glass bowl, you have a salad to take away, which is fresh­ly dres­sed with the dressing.

For the dres­sing, put the Bra­zil nuts and cas­hews in one High per­for­mance blen­der. If your mixer does­n’t have that many revo­lu­ti­ons, it’s bet­ter to soak the seeds in water for a few hours before­hand. Now add the lemon juice, spi­ces and herbs. A litt­le water to start with makes mixing easier. The amount of water (about ½ cup) should be added gra­du­al­ly so that the con­sis­ten­cy is exact­ly what you like best.

The dres­sing can be stored in a screw-top jar in the ref­ri­ge­ra­tor for 3 days. The­r­e­fo­re, you can prepa­re a slight­ly lar­ger por­ti­on and always have a deli­cious meal rea­dy very quickly.

Enjoy your meal!

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