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Spaghetti squash “Bolognese”

This reci­pe is vegan, glu­ten-free and at the same time a won­derful dish for all fans of Bolo­gne­se sau­ce. The sau­ce is par­ti­cu­lar­ly spi­cy and is crow­ned with a ‘Par­me­san’ made from Bra­zil nuts. 

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Bra­zil nut parmesan:


Pre­heat the oven to 200°C.

Careful­ly cut the spa­ghet­ti squash in half and remo­ve the seeds. Fill a bak­ing tray with 1 cm of water and place the pump­kin hal­ves cut side down on the tray. Bake the squash for 30 to 40 minu­tes, until the pres­su­re of a fin­ger on the out­side of the squash lea­ves a small inden­ta­ti­on. Remo­ve the pump­kin hal­ves from the oven. When cool enough to hand­le, scra­pe the insi­de of the squash with a fork to crea­te “spa­ghet­ti” strands. Now divi­de the pump­kin nood­les bet­ween two bowls.

For the “Bolo­gne­se”, dice the oni­ons and put them in a medi­um-sized pot with 2 tab­les­poons of water. Fry the oni­ons over medi­um heat until they are trans­lu­cent and soft. If neces­sa­ry, con­ti­nue to add water a tab­les­poon at a time to pre­vent them from bur­ning. Add min­ced gar­lic, cher­ry toma­toes, min­ced mush­rooms, chi­li pow­der, poul­try sea­so­ning, gar­lic pow­der, cur­ry pow­der, sea salt, and sun-dried toma­toes to pot and cook, stir­ring fre­quent­ly, until toma­toes are soft, 5 to 7 minu­tes. Using a hand blen­der, puree the sau­ce ingre­di­ents until com­bi­ned but still chun­ky. If you use a stand mixer to mix, lea­ve the lid slight­ly open to allow the hot steam to escape. Spread the sau­ce over the spa­ghet­ti squash. Final­ly sprink­le with the Bra­zil nut basil parmesan.

For the Par­me­san, add the Bra­zil nuts, sea salt, basil and gar­lic to the blen­der or food pro­ces­sor and pul­se brief­ly until small crumbs form.

Bon appe­tit!


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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