
Sprout breeding

Sprouts are very important in nutrition.

Sprout jars

Sprout jars are well sui­ted for gro­wing small to medi­um quan­ti­ties of sprouts. The seeds are soa­ked direct­ly in the sprou­ting jar and then sim­ply pla­ced upsi­de down on the frame. The incli­ned posi­ti­on means the water drains easi­ly and the holes in the sie­ve lid allow enough air to reach the sprouts. Wate­ring twice a day is neces­sa­ry to ensu­re that the sprouts are opti­mal­ly sup­pli­ed with moisture.

Sprout cultivation 1
Small star­ter pack

Use the vou­ch­er code in the shop­ping cart SELLERIESAFT10 and save 10%!

Sprout cultivation 2
Lar­ge star­ter pack

Use the vou­ch­er code in the shop­ping cart SELLERIESAFT10 and save 10%!

Sprout cultivation 3
Sprout jar

Use the vou­ch­er code in the shop­ping cart SELLERIESAFT10 and save 10%!

Sprout cultivation 4
2x sprout glass

Use the vou­ch­er code in the shop­ping cart SELLERIESAFT10 and save 10%!

Sprout cultivation 5
3x sprout glass

Use the vou­ch­er code in the shop­ping cart SELLERIESAFT10 and save 10%!

Sprout ger­mi­na­ti­on seeds in orga­nic quality

Sprout cultivation 6

Use the vou­ch­er code in the shop­ping cart SELLERIESAFT10 and save 10%!

Sprout cultivation 7

Use the vou­ch­er code in the shop­ping cart SELLERIESAFT10 and save 10%!

Sprout cultivation 8

Use the vou­ch­er code in the shop­ping cart SELLERIESAFT10 and save 10%!

Use the vou­ch­er code in the shop­ping cart SELLERIESAFT10 and save 10%!

Sprout cultivation 10
Len­tils red

Use the vou­ch­er code in the shop­ping cart SELLERIESAFT10 and save 10%!

Sprout cultivation 11
Len­tils green

Use the vou­ch­er code in the shop­ping cart SELLERIESAFT10 and save 10%!

Sprout cultivation 12
Mung beans

Use the vou­ch­er code in the shop­ping cart SELLERIESAFT10 and save 10%!

Sprout cultivation 13

Use the vou­ch­er code in the shop­ping cart SELLERIESAFT10 and save 10%!

Sprout cultivation 14
Red clover

Use the vou­ch­er code in the shop­ping cart SELLERIESAFT10 and save 10%!

Sprout cultivation 15

Use the vou­ch­er code in the shop­ping cart SELLERIESAFT10 and save 10%!

Ger­mi­na­ti­on swit­ching, sprout tower and sprout garden 

The sprout tower and the sprout gar­den are sui­ta­ble for lar­ger quan­ti­ties of sprouts. The­re are a total of 3 levels available on which the sprouts can grow sta­cked on top of each other. This method can the­r­e­fo­re be used to save space on the win­dows­ill. The seeds are wate­red 2 times a day. The sprout gar­den has slight­ly hig­her ger­mi­na­ti­on trays com­pared to the sprout tower and is the­r­e­fo­re par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for wheat grass, for exam­p­le. For very small seeds, the fleece paper is neces­sa­ry so that the seeds do not fall through the holes in the ger­mi­na­ti­on tray. The rung tower does not requi­re any fleece paper as the base is not per­fo­ra­ted. Here the water flows from level to level through the red siphons. The Keim­li ger­mi­na­ti­on tray is best sui­ted for slime-forming seeds such as cress and rocket becau­se the seeds need to be well ven­ti­la­ted. The sprout tower or the sprout gar­den are also sui­ta­ble for this, while the holes in the ger­mi­na­ti­on glass would beco­me blo­cked by the gel-like lay­er of the slime-forming cress or rocket and the sprout glass is the­r­e­fo­re unsui­ta­ble. Red clover is also not sui­ta­ble for the ger­mi­na­ti­on jars. Slime-forming seeds are only spray­ed once a day and not watered.

Sprout cultivation 16
Ger­mi­na­ti­on trays
Sprout cultivation 17
Seed jar
Sprout cultivation 18
Sprout cultivation 19
Rung tower
Sprout cultivation 20
Sprout gar­den
Sprout cultivation 21
Non-woven paper