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Steamed cabbage rolls

In this reci­pe, cab­ba­ge rolls with a fat-free fil­ling of mush­rooms, pota­toes, cau­li­flower, pep­pers and snow peas are ser­ved with a spi­cy sau­ce. Ide­al on cool days and visual­ly some­thing very special. 

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Ingre­di­ents for 2 servings: 

For the roulades: 

  • 1 lar­ge savoy cab­ba­ge or white cab­ba­ge, cut into leaves
  • 50 g chop­ped shii­ta­ke or mushrooms
  • 50g spring onions
  • 4 min­ced gar­lic cloves 
  • 1 tbsp chop­ped ginger
  • 1/2 to 1 tsp Chi­li flakes
  • 150 g diced potatoes
  • 60g shred­ded cauliflower
  • 80g crus­hed red, yel­low or oran­ge peppers
  • 1/2 tsp sea-salt (optio­nal)
  • 240ml water
  • 60g crus­hed snow peas

For the sauce: 


Steam the cab­ba­ge lea­ves in a pot with a steam­er bas­ket for 2 to 3 minu­tes until they beco­me plia­ble. Then rin­se with cold water. 

In a non­stick cera­mic skil­let, sau­té the mush­rooms, scal­li­ons, gar­lic, gin­ger, and chi­li flakes over medi­um heat until the mush­rooms are soft, 3 to 5 minutes. 

Now add the pota­toes, cau­li­flower and salt (if using). Heat for ano­ther 1 to 2 minu­tes, stir­ring fre­quent­ly, then add the water and sim­mer for 10 to 12 minu­tes until the pota­toes are coo­ked through. Add the pea pods and pour the fil­ling into a bowl. 

Use a pota­to mas­her to mash the fil­ling so that the mix­tu­re holds tog­e­ther when shaped. 

Cover each cab­ba­ge leaf with approx. 60 g of the fil­ling from the base of the stem. Fold the sides of the sheet over one ano­ther and then roll up tight­ly. Steam with the fold­ed side down in the steam­er pot for approx. 10–12 minu­tes until ever­y­thing is coo­ked through.

Mean­while, mix all the ingre­di­ents for the sau­ce in a small bowl. Pour the sau­ce over the finis­hed cab­ba­ge rolls. 

GEnjoy your appetite! 

Source: Heal the Brain, The Prac­ti­ce Program

Pho­tos: Sabi­ne Men­zel

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