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Filled potato dumplings with mushroom sauce

In this dish, pota­to dum­plings fil­led with chest­nuts are com­bi­ned with the spi­cy mush­room sau­ce. This makes a temp­ting deli­ca­cy for the cold sea­son that is both very fil­ling and plea­sant­ly warming. 

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Ingre­di­ents for 3 servings: 

For the dumplings: 

  • 800g pota­toes
  • 200 g pota­to flour
  • 1 teas­poon Salt
  • 150 ml water 
  • 350 g coo­ked chestnuts 
  • 1 oni­on
  • 2 Tea spoons Honey

For the mush­room sauce: 


Wash, peel and steam the pota­toes. While still warm, press them through a pota­to press or mash them with a mas­her. Then mix loo­se­ly with the pota­to flour and add salt if desi­red. Add the water to the dough and knead evenly. 

Fine­ly chop the oni­on and chest­nuts and sau­té them tog­e­ther in a pot with a litt­le water. Now stir in the honey. Spread the dough into round discs about the size of your palm (see video) and put 1–2 teas­poons of fil­ling in the midd­le. Then shape the dough into dumplings. 

Fill a lar­ge pot with water and bring to the boil. Let the dum­plings slide into the water and turn down the tem­pe­ra­tu­re so that the dum­plings are in the sim­me­ring water. They are left to steep for about 15 minu­tes and are rea­dy when they float to the top. The amount of dough makes 10 dumplings. 

While the dum­plings are soa­king in the water, chop the mush­rooms, chop the car­rots into fine cubes and fine­ly chop the oni­on and garlic. 

Sau­té the oni­on and gar­lic in a litt­le water and after 2 to 3 minu­tes degla­ze with the cas­hew milk. Put the pre­pared vege­ta­bles in the sau­ce base and add the toma­to pas­te and spi­ces. Let sim­mer for about 10 minu­tes. Mix the tapio­ca starch in a litt­le water and stir it into the sim­me­ring sau­ce. Bring to the boil brief­ly and then remo­ve from the heat. 

Place the finis­hed dum­plings in por­ti­ons on pla­tes and ser­ve the sau­ce next to them. 

Bon appe­tit!

Source: bowls­by­plants

Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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