
sweet and sour pumpkin seeds

The­se spi­cy-sweet pump­kin seeds impress with their smo­ky, slight­ly spi­cy tas­te and crun­chy tex­tu­re. A won­derful­ly deli­cious snack that is also gre­at as a topping. 



  • Pre­heat oven to 165 °C.
  • In an oven­pro­of skil­let, heat avo­ca­do oil over medi­um-high heat.
  • Roast the pump­kin seeds for 3–5 minu­tes until they are light gol­den brown.
  • In a small bowl, com­bi­ne map­le syrup, smo­ked papri­ka, cumin and cayenne pepper.
  • Remo­ve the pan from the heat and stir the spi­ce mix­tu­re into the pump­kin seeds.
  • Place the pan in the oven and roast the seeds for 20–30 minu­tes, stir­ring occa­sio­nal­ly so they don’t burn.
  • Tas­te pump­kin seeds – they should be cris­py, not soft in the midd­le. Roast more if necessary.
  • After bak­ing, place on a bak­ing tray lined with bak­ing paper and allow to cool.
  • Sprink­le with sea salt while still hot.

Be careful not to bake them for too long so that they don’t beco­me bit­ter! Always tas­te them now and then and when they are cris­py and no lon­ger soft, take them out of the oven 😊

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