
Sweet chili Brussels sprouts with Spirelli whole grain rice

Fiery and sweet and aro­ma­tic, this dish is a won­derful­ly warm­ing dish in the cold sea­son. The Brussels sprouts it con­ta­ins pro­vi­de the liver with valuable ingredients. 
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First, cut the Brussels sprouts in half and place them cut side down on a bak­ing sheet lined with bak­ing paper. Bake the Brussels sprouts in a pre­hea­ted oven at 200 degrees for about 30 minu­tes until gol­den brown.

Remo­ve the seeds from the pep­pers and dice them into lar­ge pie­ces. Remo­ve the stems from the chi­li pep­pers, cut two pods com­ple­te­ly into rings inclu­ding the seeds, split the other two pods in the midd­le and remo­ve the seeds. Then cut it into strips. Peel the gar­lic and chop rough­ly.
Fry all the vege­ta­bles tog­e­ther in a lar­ge pot wit­hout fat and roast brief­ly. Then add the diced toma­toes and sim­mer for about 20 minu­tes over medi­um heat with the lid clo­sed. Then remo­ve from the heat.

Rough­ly chop the pars­ley and add it to the pot. Puree the vege­ta­bles well tog­e­ther with the pars­ley. In the mean­ti­me, cook the pas­ta in sal­ted water accor­ding to the packa­ge ins­truc­tions until it is al den­te – but plea­se not too soft.

Mean­while, add map­le syrup, salt, lime and lemon juice and sea­son well again. At the end of the bak­ing time, place the Brussels sprouts in a bowl and sea­son with 1 – 2 addi­tio­nal pin­ches of salt. Mix well and add to the pot with the pure­ed sau­ce. Mix in por­ti­ons with the pas­ta in a bowl and ser­ve immediately. 

Bon appe­tit!

More such fan­ta­stic recipes are in Gün­ther Karl’s cook­books to find:

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